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What's the difference/ pros and cons of water base paint and oil paint ?
I'm looking to paint my room a navy blue, the current paint is a light pink/baige color I believe it's water base, what do the people suggest?
Greatly appreciated.
4 個解答Decorating & Remodeling5 年前in case of an emergency why can social security check only be cashed in by a minor ?
If I die and all my children are over 18 does that mean my ss can't be cashed in by anyone, I am married/separated if that makes a difference .
8 個解答Law & Ethics5 年前How to fix my central Ac?
My central Ac is blowing warm/ hot air , you can hear it turn on indoor but the actual Ac box outside doesn't turn on at all
Any solutions Diy
10 個解答Maintenance & Repairs5 年前What can I spray on my yard to prevent weeds ?
My yard was full of weeds and I started to shovel them out and now it's bare sand but what can I spray so they stop coming back. Perferably something affordable. It's about 24 yards X 12 yards .
8 個解答Garden & Landscape5 年前What can I use to extend the flat surface in my backyard?
I have a big back yard and little part of cement, it's most unleveled sand, what can i do or use to have more flat surface and not waist too much money..
2 個解答Do It Yourself (DIY)5 年前Can I use plywood for a deck or just to extend my flat surface space for a party?
I found a good deal on cdx plywood and Baltic birch which one would be better to put on top of some 2x4s And what can I use as a sealant for longer lasting. I have a big backyard so I might buy both cdx and the bb and mix and match a pattern. What are some diy or professional inputs .. Thanks!
5 個解答Do It Yourself (DIY)5 年前I was planning to sue on small claims for a guy who pretty much robbed me for 162.$?
This mechanic guy was supposed to fix my truck and he was always making excuse to not come or not answering the calls and he wasn't returning the money either. It past around 2 months and today he finally paid 200. Can I still sue in small claims because he was going to fix the vehicle within the week but I stayed out of work for almost 3 months, I stayed a long time without income. California.
6 個解答Law & Ethics5 年前Can I sue in small claims for a guy saying he would fix my truck and he took my first half of the payment but never returned?
Some guy was supposed to fix my truck for 300 total. he came to see it and I gave him 160 for the parts needed. we agreed he would come in the next couple weeks but it has now been over 2 months, in between the time we've contacted him and says he will return the money but he is always avoiding calls and we've gone to his work without threats just simply asking for our money back and says he will stop by and return the money. I don't want a fortune out of a small claims but I need my truck repaired and I have stayed without a job. I'm in the state of CA.
Thanks for your time.
3 個解答Law & Ethics5 年前I want to file a claim or lawsuit against the other driver of an accident how do I do it Where do I start?
I was rear ended pretty hard recently at a stop light and I don't have medical insurance or I wasn't covered in the cars insurance, but the driver at fault doesn't have any type of insurance. I want to file a claim for my medical expenses cause of the accident my right elbow and wrist have been in pain so far 300$ have been billed to me for medications possibly more cause of therapy I might have to attend and I've been paranoid to drive or get in a car and have also missed work for a couple weeks now. How can I file a lawsuit to have the driver at fault pay for my expenses. I want to do this without a lawyer. What paper do I need to get and what are the steps to take?
2 個解答Law & Ethics6 年前Does anyone know what's wrong with my jeep grandcherokee 1995 v8 5.2 ?
I was driving at night time and I left on the gear 2 in the freeway , and when I noticed I slowed down and put it into Drive, the same day when I turned it on again it didn't want to turn on and when it did it started making a clanking noise towards the front of the car, the next day I was on the fwy again on Drive and it wouldn't pass 3 rpm and the steering wheel got stiff and didn't let me push the gas anymore so I got the chance to pull over and got it towed last night
1 個解答Maintenance & Repairs6 年前why did my stock stereo and car display stop working? Zj Grand Cherokee 1994?
My stock stereo and the display at the bottom that shows an open door stopped working and the antenna doesn t come up anymore, the interior lights are dimmed and not as bright as before. My alarm still works and the windows still go up and down. Any advice.
1 個解答Jeep6 年前Why isn't the pulley spinning on the ac compressor?
I have a 96 zj Jeep Grand Cherokee v8
I just placed a new clutch for the ac compressor and it seems the pulley or the front part of the whole clutch doesn't spin although the part in contact with the belt does spin .. Any advice or links well appreciated
3 個解答Jeep6 年前How do I feed satin balls to my dog?
Do I only feed her that or one time the raw meal and kibble later ? Or do I substitute kibble for satin balls completely? Thanks in advanced . It is a pitbull and I see her underweight.. Should I mention no I won't take her to a vet
3 個解答Dogs6 年前Can I feed raw chicken to my dog Possibly spoiled chicken?
I have plenty chicken in the freezer but recently it got disconnected for a full day and the chicken itself didn't smell too bad (I'm aware of a raw diet) I want to know if it's safe too feed it to my pitbull after being frozen once again And I will wash it throughly .
4 個解答Dogs6 年前