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Henry 007
I have got 2 yahoo accounts before.?
I have got 2 yahoo accounts before Taiwan and UK which were combined and connected, but the ID is UK's
Can British people see my questions if I ask here ?
1 個解答考試6 年前I have got 2 yahoo accounts which were combined..?
I have got 2 yahoo accounts, Taiwan and UK which were combined, but the ID is UK's
Can British people see my questions if I ask here ?
1 個解答電腦網路6 年前Do you agree that Scotland should be an indepentant country? What is the advantage ?
Do you agree that Scotland should be an indepentant country?
Do you agree that Scotland become a
small countryt?
What is the advantage of Scotland being an indepentant country?
3 個解答Elections6 年前How much is the rent weekly in London Zone 3?
How much is the rent weekly in London
zone 3 on average?
2 個解答London6 年前I am confused about the situation, an English learner?
1) I have live in London.
It means I still live in London.
2) I have live in London before.
it means I no longer live in London.
I wonder if any problem with the second one. and show the correct way to say it.
3 個解答Words & Wordplay6 年前I am very confused, why is Englsh so hard?
I am a foreigner, how do you say these situations in your way.
1) I used to study in London 3 years ago, if someone ask me?
a) I have studied in London for 3 years
b) I had studied in London for 3 years
2) I ask someone if he eat dinner?
a) Did you eat dinner yet?
b) Have you eaten dinner yet?
3) I want to know about British people how to greet, show me the examples
you all right mate like that
Thank you in advance
1 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups6 年前I am very confused, help me please?
I am a foreigner, how do you say these situations in your way.
1) I used to study in London 3 years ago, if someone ask me?
a) I have studied in London for 3 years
b) I had studied in London for 3 years
2) I ask someone if he eat dinner?
a) Did you eat dinner yet?
b) Have you eaten dinner yet?
3) I want to know about British people how to greet, show me the examples
you all right mate
like that
Thank you in advance
2 個解答Words & Wordplay6 年前Grammar problems, what is the difference?
What is the difference? I have to work tomorrow, when I talk to my friend.
Which one do you say?
1. I am working tomorrow.
2. I will be working tomorrow.
3. I am going to work tomorrow
1 個解答Words & Wordplay6 年前Grammar problems, help me please?
1. I have worked here for 3 years.
I still work here.
2. I have lived in London for 3 years.
I still live in London.
3. I have painted the wall.
Have I finished yet?
Has the work been finished?
3 個解答Words & Wordplay6 年前I need a help with English problems?
I am a foreigner, and very confused about them
1. I lived in London for 3 years. ( Do I still live there?)
2. I have lived in London for 3 years. ( Do I still live there?)
What is the difference between them?
3. I have worked for BBC for 3 years.
4. I have been working for BBC for 3 years.
5. Did you see Ann this morning?
6. Have you seen Ann this morning?
2 個解答Words & Wordplay6 年前English questions help me please?
I am a foreigner, and very confused about them
1. I lived in London for 3 years. ( Do I still live there?)
2. I have lived in London for 3 years. ( Do I still live there?)
What is the difference between them?
3. I have worked for BBC for 3 years.
4. I have been working for BBC for 3 years.
5. Did you see Ann this morning?
6. Have you seen Ann this morning?
1 個解答Homework Help6 年前Mazda2中古車 vs New March中古車
我很困擾到底要選哪一台, 可以幫我分析一下哪台c/p 值高,
維保費, 零件費..馬2是進口車, 跟March比起來有貴很大嗎
價位.. 馬2 08-09, March 12-13
如果在加上07-08 馬3呢
7 個解答各式買賣7 年前中鋼 2002的一些問題?
1. 中鋼還是公股,龍頭股,績優股?
2. 中鋼有很多土地嗎?
3. 中鋼子公司大部份都賺很大, 可感覺對中鋼的貢獻不多耶?
4. 為什麼負債比越來越高?
我中鋼放4年了有小賺, 還想再放個5年, 所以基本面對我而言非常重要,
8 個解答投資7 年前I am feeling so weird
I can see many people here who like learning English very much, and things
funny, they never use Engish at all,
I was wondering what their reason for learning English.
7 個解答語言8 年前想買05-07年 Mazda 3 1.6中古車
想買05-07年 Mazda 3 1.6 4 門中古車, 請問中古車行開價多少?
目前開march 基礎(5000)保養約1500-2000
7 個解答各式買賣8 年前sony xperial acro s, SL, L手機 比
sony xperial acro s, SL, L手機 比較音效潦亮, 哪隻好?
有玩過z 真的音效有夠爛, 比我的sony ericsson neo v 還小聲
2 個解答手機與費率方案8 年前Do you believe in mermaids and
Do you believe in mermaids and, fairies?
To me, I think that them existed, because we live in such a big world,
you never ever see them, it doesnt mean that they dont exist, right..
4 個解答語言8 年前Do you think the pound will disappear in 1 or 2 years?
Do you think the pound will disappear in 1 or 2 years?
and does the UK government want to join the Euro?
Please keep using pounds , never ever change
12 個解答Politics8 年前