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How much jail time or fine can i get if i have not signed up for Obama care yet?
If they do fine me and I refuse to pay the fine will I then be arrested?
9 個解答Politics7 年前Is a Union another word for Corporation ?
I think they are so why do liberal not recognize that fact?
cor·po·ra·tion /ˌkôrpəˈrāSHən/
noun: corporation; plural noun: corporations
a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
9 個解答Politics7 年前If Same sex marriage is such and important issue to the voting publlic?
Can you liberals explain why CA voted it down and had to be taken before the Supreme Court. It would appear that less than a majority agrees with it.
7 個解答Politics7 年前If the job market is getting better as?
Liberals claim why are we seeing an increase in the number of jobless claims?
The number of people filing initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits rose by 2,000 to 304,000 during the week ending April 12, according to the U.S. Labor Department.
8 個解答Politics7 年前Do liberals consider the ACA (Obama care) a win because?
through that law they can now collect more in taxes from the poor, and control what the poor may eat?
6 個解答Politics7 年前Over the past few days all I have heard of via news media is the Civil Rights act 1963?
Why are they stressing that as such a great accomplishment when at this very time that very same Government is stripping away the individual rights of all people. NSA, Patriot Act. Shouldn't we the people be demanding that these things be stopped and then embrace the civil rights of all Americans?
1 個解答Politics7 年前Will the American people soon be facing the same thing Ukraine people are now facing?
trying to keep there rights to freedom?
9 個解答Politics7 年前How many on here want to go live with Greasy Tony?
Greasy Tony believes that he can let everyone into his house to live and it will make things better, he promises you don't have to work or pay for anything, just move in. I say lets all move in with Tony. This was his question on the matter: If Legalizing immigrants would help the US economy.
7 個解答Politics7 年前Does anyone believe that there will be enough people working and paying taxes to be able to?
support the ACA, Welfare, Social Security at the rate we are still loosing workers and jobs under this Administration.
I do not see how that can continue, Do you?
11 個解答Politics7 年前Is Detroit City a Green Efficient City one would want to live in?
Or is It and example of liberal leadership
6 個解答Politics7 年前Why have Liberal Democrats changed the definition of marriage?
Do they have any idea what they have done?
14 個解答Politics7 年前Is the man in the theater a true representation of Liberal America?
I want to do what I want no matter how it interrupts you and if you call me on it my wife has to hold be back from assaulting you?
2 個解答Politics7 年前Isn't Obama attempt at extending Unemployment his own admission that he has?
failed to create jobs and economic growth?
5 個解答Politics7 年前Would you say Democrats have abused the system and will still not be able to make Obama a better President?
than Jimmy Carter was?
6 個解答Politics7 年前