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How to clean and disinfect a mattress...?
A friend donated her childs old mattress...perfect size for my daybed....just in case of lice , bedbugs or what ever, how do I clean and disinfect ....?
2 個解答Cleaning & Laundry5 年前Did Bill Cosby slip it to little Rudy ?
Kiesha Knight Pullman got yelled at by Donald Trump and promptly fired for not using her connections to win.....could that be the reason?
3 個解答Celebrities5 年前Did Dr. Huxtable bang little Rudy ?
Kiesha Knight Pullman was berated by Donald Trump and fired first in the boardroom for not using her connections and asking Bill Cosby for a donation.......was this why ?
1 個解答Yahoo Answers5 年前Did bill cosby do a roman polansky ?
that's when you give her a qualude and f_u_CK her in the a-sS
3 個解答Polls & Surveys5 年前How do you lose at gambling ?
there is always a house advantage,,,i get that....But, I lose far more than the house edge percentage and math probabilities...not just a one time thing...this has been going on for several years...
19 個解答Gambling5 年前current questions won't load??????
how do you inform yahoo there is an issue.....anothe problem is if I really want to search something on the internet, I find it faster if I use google instead of yahoo
5 個解答Yahoo Answers5 年前whats wrong with answers .....?
current questions don't load several categories it goes from the most current question to questions from 7 days ago......this has been going on since it my conputer or yahoo?
4 個解答Yahoo Answers5 年前current questions won't load on yahoo answers......!?
questions are from 4 days di I get current questions to appear
2 個解答Yahoo Answers5 年前lottery question what would you do.../?
what would you do if you bought a lottery ticket thinking you would win......after all it would be really ''ignorant '' to think you would lose and then buy a ticket.....but then someone someone actually calledy you ignorant and you are so stupid you should throw your money down the would you go about reporting violations of yahoo rules and how would you get the folks at yahoo to enforce thier own rules......i am very frustrated that this is allowed to happen..i just read yahoo guidelines and it is clearly a violation
4 個解答Polls & Surveys5 年前When playing the lottery ?
What is the tax rate that the poor and ignorant pay when they play the lottery.....
5 個解答Gambling6 年前What's the Strategy ?
9 個解答Politics6 年前Is President Oooobama?
going to sign a bill prohibiting stuping question from being asked on Yahoo answers ?
2 個解答Mental Health6 年前Lawn mower won't start ?? tank ran dry while cutting the grass....filled with gas but won't start no....put in a new plug.....?
when I choke gas goes into the bowl.....plug doesn't spark....took it out and held it near metal...yes the other end was connected.....what else should I try before taking it in.....
5 個解答Maintenance & Repairs6 年前