Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

Lv 7178,063 points
Reference & Information Specialist at the University of California Berkeley. Areas of interest include automobiles, the automotive industry, transportation studies and general automotive mechanics. Knowledgeable in all automotive related topics such as buying and selling, replacement parts, insurance, car audio, etc. Specializing in passenger car tire research and tire related topics. Strong background and knowledge of tire types, performance, pricing and availability. Extensive familiarity with tire brands and models within all passenger tire performance categories.