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Joy Behar called for the "tying up" of Tucker Carlson without thinking violence. Is there a different kind of politics she has in mind?
(and perhaps she'd like to handcuff him as well...)
8 個解答Politics2 月前Is it the new normal now to blame corrupt liberalism on Trump?
Of course, Gov. Cuomo is particularly 'Trumpy' when it comes to Democrats in the United States. He has a Trumpian streak, and he does resort to media bashing from time to time,"
(Why must an excuse or smear be offered to lighten the load of liberal corruption and pathological lying here? Can't it simply stand on its own for what it is?)
3 個解答Politics2 月前After the Russian "meddling" and the Steele Dossier were debunked, is it now trendy to blame pathological liberal lying on Trump?
“Wow. Really, Governor Cuomo? You lowered your own numbers to make yourself look better? Woof,” Noah said. “And the explanation that they’re going with is, they thought the Trump administration would use the high nursing home deaths against them, which, yeah.”
5 個解答Politics2 月前Hey liberals, how's that new openness and no disrespect policy from the Biden administration working out for you?
President Biden vowed to fire any of his staffers “on the spot” if he heard that they had talked down to someone or treated a fellow colleague with disrespect. “No ifs, ands, or buts,” he said while swearing in about 1,000 of his appointees last month. “Everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity. That’s been missing in a big way the last four years.”
4 個解答Politics2 月前Using the Clinton grand jury "litmus test", is it ok for a liberal to knowingly lie about a capital crime like murder with liberal approval?
When the New York Post asked Ocasio-Cortez on Monday if she tweeted that Cruz tried to have her murdered, she said that was not the quote.
She tweeted that he "almost" had her murdered.
However, in the same tweet in reply to Cruz, she also wrote that she would be happy to work with almost any other GOP members that are not trying to get her "killed," implying that Cruz was.
3 個解答Politics2 月前If we are to believe Biden's call for "unity" shouldn't Biden appoint people who aren't predjudiced against it?
Screenshots of old tweets unearthed and posted online by One America News’ Jack Prosobiec show that Psaki doesn’t care much for roughly half the country because — wait for it — they’re supporters of former President Donald Trump.
7 個解答Politics3 月前The cornhusker kickback graft was needed to pass the unaffordable care act. Will more graft of this kind be needed for Biden's expansion?
Former President Bill Clinton reportedly told House Democrats in 2010, “That Nebraska thing is really hurting us.”
Nelson said that his no vote on the final law was not an attempt to blunt the unpopularity of his earlier vote.
4 個解答Politics3 月前yahoo speaks of hurt "fee-fees" regarding the idiot left takeover. is this the shameful childish analysis that now guides our government?
example, when hillary got her way, travelgate filegate whitewater the cattle futures fiasco the health care fiasco laughing about getting a child rapist off on a technicality the deaths and lying of benghazi and fast and furious and the editorial speaks of this being the "right way" ?????
Oh Hillary. We won’t ever stop lamenting what could’ve been, but at least things are heading in the right direction now.
1 個解答Politics4 月前Barbara Boxer thinks the left is the new democracy party. What SPECIFICALLY expressed these values with Obama AND BIDENS lying Benghazi...?
fast and furious solyndra and the unaffordable care act and of course ramrodding the unaffordable care act through with the cornhusker kickback?
In a Wednesday night tweet, Boxer said that was "alarming" that the "Democratic party is now the democracy party and the GOP is now the Trump dictatorship party,
5 個解答Politics4 月前Over 50 countries dont see Maduro as Venezuela's leader. In the spirit of Obama support of Al Qaeda in Syria, is this Biden's latest gaffe?
quoting...A spokesperson for the Biden-Harris transition declined to comment.
1 個解答Politics4 月前