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Los the love of my life help!!!!?
It’s been about 3 weeks since we broke up. Everything has been hard on me I’m doing poorly in school I’ve lost weight since we broke up. I did everything for this girl I was always there for her. We had plans on building a family and getting our life under control and getting married. We dated for 4 years and it’s has been the best and longest relationship for me. This really hurt me I would do anything for her give her everything. She blocked me on everything I didn’t do anything wrong she just broke up over text message. She is lieing and telling everyone I abused her when I didn’t she’s making me seem like a bad person now no one talks to me. She seems like she’s doing really happy by the pics I see her in. She tells my friends she misses me and cries everyday before going to be. But I found out she s already talking to 2 other guys. And that hurts even more. I just don’t understand did she even really love me ? She moved in and moved out with her mom and that’s when things started I changed. Her mom would tell her I’m worthless and will never be anything in life. But I have a good paying job. She talks a lot of behind my back. I just don’t know what to do it’s been hard I’ve been smoking pot and just thinking a lot I texted her Nd she doesn’t reply. When she’s around me she is a way different person but when she’s with her mom she acts a like a b****. I just have some many memories with her I will never forget.
2 個解答Singles & Dating3 年前Need a root canal but have a temporary filling ?
Okay so today i went to the dentist fot a filling but turned out mh cavity was too deep so i need a filling. So they were already drilling and all they do and ot started hirting so i let them know and thats when they told me i need a root canal. So they put some type of filling mixed with medice or something like that. They told me not to try and eat hard stuff on that side so i havent but i was wondering if i could brush that teeth or will it come off because i touched it with my finger and it got on it and yes it is dry by now it been 2 hours. And also do root canals hurt ? Sort of worried
1 個解答Dental3 年前Is it okay to have sex after taking plan b ???
I took plan b earlier today since yesterday we had inter course unprotected. I'm ovulating Now but it doesn't smell like nothing and now I want to have intourcse but I'm worried if I have it the pill wouldn't work I know that the pill works for past pregnancy i just want to know if it okay to have it now ...
2 個解答Pregnancy4 年前HELP ??? Could I be pregnant ???
Okay so right now me and my bf just had unprotected sex and he cummed but not inside me he says and then I went to the restroom and I scratched my thing and it was a white slimy discharge I ovulated today but I don t know if that has to do with that ... And could I be pregnant or should I tell him to buy me plan b just to be sure. I m a little worried if I were to ovulate tomorrow would I start spotting if I were really pregnant or would it take time to find out ? Please help me it wasn't like white like *** it was not so thick and it didn't have a smell
1 個解答Pregnancy4 年前What age can I move out legally?
What age can I move out with my girlfriend. I m so tired with my parents bull sh*t. I can t see my girlfriend for a long time cause then they get mad I can t take my girl friend anywhere because they say that s not my responsibility. My friends literally go with their girlfriends all day and night and their parents don t say nothing. My parents say they are going to take my car away I literally payed my car by my slef it s just under my dads name. They say I m a mistake in life and that they wish I didn t exist. I don t care what they say it doesn t hurt me honestly. I m independent I pay my phone bill my gas my clothes my parents don t buy me nothing. I want to move in with my girl but she says I will get her in trouble because I m 16. But I just don t want to be around my parents at all. They don t see they good things I do but they see all my bad things. If you just gonna say nothing irrelevant don t even bother to leave an answer. Help me please
3 個解答Family4 年前Help car accident claim ?
So today i went to the atm to deposit some money and while i was there i parked my car and waited for the car infront of me to leave but she put her car on reverse and hit my front bumber. She said she didnt see me and she was sorry. I was looking at my car and its pretty scratch i have no permit im 16 and no insurance and insurance is a big thing here in Tn but she told me to file a claim she gave me her insurance card to file a claim i just want that scratch painted thats it i dont want to make a big deal out of this idk what to do ?? Help any answers? If i file a claim would they ask me for an insurance? Or anything ?
5 個解答Insurance & Registration4 年前Help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Period or what ??
Well ive been having brwon discharge for a while and today i was at school and i thought it was my period or i think it is. I put a pad on cause there was blood so when i got home i took it off and there was brown spotts and like red but when i wiped after being done of peeing it was red but not dark red . Is my period going to be light or what help me please
2 個解答Women's Health5 年前Hellp!!!!!!!?? Late period or pregnant?
Me and my bf have had sexual intercourse unprotected but he always pulled out and peed after he ejaculated. So yesterday and the day before that my i felt wet down there and i thought it was my period cause it should have been here yesterday the 8th but no it was just light brown discharged. I keep feeling wet but no period and i want to know what is going on if my period is close or what. I have no pregnancy symptoms or period. My breast dont hurt or nothing im just tired at night im really sleepy can some one please help me and tell me whats going on !!!!!!!????????
1 個解答Women's Health5 年前Vigina bleeding after intercourse?? Helpl!!?
Me and my boyfriend had sex last week on Saturday and Sunday my period had ended Friday. So on Saturday when we had sexual intercourse its was calm and not rough. But then on Sunday when he did it he went really fast and rough he said he felt something on the tip of his penis when he went deep. Then on Monday i had a little spotting pinkish clolor after i wiped when using the restroom. My whole body was hurting i think it hurt cause it was sore. Now on Tuesday i went to the bathroom and pee then when i cleand my slef there was blood but it was bright red. Now today my breast hurt a little and white stuff comes out from my vigina. I don't know whats going on please help. He never cummed in me. BEST ANSWER GETS POINTS
Women's Health5 年前Help something came down my vigina?
On friday Saturday it was my 6 day kf my period and i had unprotected sex but he didnt *** in me and then sunday i felt something come down my vigaina it was on my underwear it was brownish color and i dont know what it is .... does any one know what this means or what it is ?
2 個解答Women's Health5 年前Could i be pregnant or is it my period coming ???
Me and boyfriend had sex this past Saturday and the friday before. He never came in me and he didnt use a condom we didnt use any birth control. My period should have came on the 30 of February which is basically the 1st of march but it still hasnt came. Ivee been having cramps and breast tender since monday. I also have some wetness keep coming down it sarted monday to i think . Idk what it is. Could it be my ovulation? But could i be pregnant ? Should i take a test now or wait a few mor days? HELLLPPPPPPP
3 個解答Pregnancy5 年前