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Lv 31,633 points

♥It's Me!♥

  • Why is my period so long?

    Ok this is only my 4th period and the last 3 have been like 4 or 5 days long and now this one has been going on since the 4th so 13 days . I used a tampon in the beginning of my period and it felt a little weird but i left it in cause i knew it would hurt like crazy if i took it out too soon. I left it in for a bout 6 hours and it still wasn't soaked up and since then my period has been heavy. Did i hurt myself by using a tampon that felt weird?

    3 個解答Women's Health1 十年前
  • Girl's only question?

    I am having my 2nd period and ive never used a tampon before. I want to use one because i hate wearing this gross pad! I'm cmpletely new to this and just please give me some help!!!

    Please and Thank you!!!

    10 個解答Singles & Dating1 十年前
  • What hairstyle do you have?

    I want different styles to try mine looks like this:

    My hair is alot longer tho. this is just showing my bang style

    2 個解答Hair1 十年前
  • How do i create my own website?

    I want to try it.

    5 個解答Programming & Design1 十年前
  • I need Rockband the origional help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

    OK well me and my uncle are trying to figure out how to play more songs on rockband ad it says there is 58 songs but we only can find like 5 or 6!!!!! help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are on the origonal rockband by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 個解答Video & Online Games1 十年前
  • how can you teach a papillon to sit pretty (sit up)???

    Im trying to teach my puppy whos 5 months old how to sit up. I hold onto her front paws and steady her but right when i start to loosen my grip she getts all wiggly and retarded!!!!!!! it makes me frusterated that she seems so eager to lean but then she gets all ansey!!!!!!!!! help meeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 個解答Other - Pets1 十年前
  • Whats the biggest let-down you've had today?

    My biggest let down was when I didn't make the goal for my team today in P.E. (Phys Ed)

    Please only tell todays let-down!!!!!!!!!!

    10 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • What is that one song?

    I'm thinking of that one song that goes "low as you can goe and then high as you can go" its that one that you do all the moves too like the cgharlie brown? I just can't place the name!!!!!!!!!!! grrr!!!!!!!!!

    3 個解答Other - Music1 十年前
  • What is a good way to start training my horse?

    Look at my other question please:;_ylt=AlBdr...

    I don't want an answer like the one here. It was horrible to read that and whether you people like it or not im gonna be the one training my horse. I have ridden him before and it has its own story to go with it.( a man put me on him before i knew anything about horses and my horse bucked me off 3 times)

    Bottom line: i dont want answers that tell me im stupid for training my own horse cause im gonna train him and u cant do a single thing about it!!!!

    The kinds of answers i want are the ones that tell me if im off to a good start or what i should do to improve my plan or action.


    14 個解答Horses1 十年前
  • What is a good way to start off in training my 3 yr old horse?

    Lately i have just been putting the saddle pad on for a while and lunging him at a slow walk. The other day though I put the saddle on him loosely and lunged him and he didn't even seem to notice it on his back so i tightened it and lunge hima then tightened it some more till it was tight enough to ride. I didnt't ride him thoguh! I am only 12 so im around 80-85lbs. I lunged him at a walk for about 5 min then at a trot for a lil bit longer then at a canter for about 5 minuites. I worked up a sweat on him but he didn't even seem to notice what was on his back.

    What is a good way to get the feel of having some weght on his back without putting myself on him yet.

    Also how do i get him used to the bit? That is probably the worst problem area we have had since i got him about a year and a half ago!

    P.S. I ride western!


    2 個解答Other - Pets1 十年前
  • How can I become a Justice Just for Girls Model???

    I want to be a Justice catazine model. It's not like being a runway model! All you do is pose with other girls while wearing Justice's clothing. I am 11 going on 12. I am 4'11 I think. I have a nice smile too!

    I am not fishing for complements I am just stating that I think I have what it takes these days.

    But my real Q is: How do I contact the people that choose the models?

    Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am serious about this and it's something I really really want to try!!!

    ~Thanks in Advance!!!

    4 個解答Fashion & Accessories1 十年前
  • How can I become a Justice model?

    I want to become a Justice Just for Girls catazine model. I am 11 going on 12. How do I become a model. I can pose really good and I am a great smiler! lease help me!!! This is something I am serious about it!!!

    ~thanks in Advance!!!

    3 個解答Other - Beauty & Style1 十年前
  • What do I do?

    Ok, well, I am starting to really gro boobs and when I was a little less out there I could always wear shirts without bras but now that I am out there more I can't go a day without wearing a bra. since its summer and I am staring to wear spaghetti straps.

    Bottom line.... How do I wear spaghetti straps and halter tops without a bra but still have coverage?


    6 個解答Other - Beauty & Style1 十年前
  • Can You?????????????????????

    Can you still have a belly button piercing if you have an outie?

    I'm not saying that I have an outie cus I have a half innie half outie. Mine is turning into an innie.

    Just Wonderin...

    Also How old must you be to get a belly button piercing?

    6 個解答Other - Beauty & Style1 十年前
  • What is your fave music artist?

    Just wondering... Is it a band or a solo or what? Also plz tell me what thay would be classified as... like pop rock country?

    30 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Answers? Please?

    Ok, well, when you get your very first period would it be light or heavy flow? When will I get my period? I started getting breast development around last fall. I get a little discharge every day and I am getting a little hairy down low. I am 11 going on 12 in about a month. I am currently wearing a bra each day.


    ~Thanks in Advance!

    8 個解答Women's Health1 十年前
  • Poll: What is your occupation?

    what do you do for a living. Whay do you like or dislike your job?

    28 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • What cell phone network do you have?

    Just curious. I have verizon. Also... why do you like or dislike your network?

    58 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • i.e.????????????????

    have seen this used many, many times and I have no clue what it stands for. I know that when someone uses it they are giving an example of something. What does i.e. stand for?

    I made up this goofy little thing that the i stands for instance and that the e stands for example. I have a feeling that that's incorrect.

    ~Thanks in advance!

    2 個解答Words & Wordplay1 十年前
  • Your thoughts?

    what are your thoughts of the word "rich"? What is your definition of the word "rich"? is it rich in wealth or family or love or anything else? I want to know what you think of the word "rich".

    ~Thanks in Advance!

    2 個解答Other - Society & Culture1 十年前