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What is the value of these rare Coca Cola cups?
I claim they are "rare" due to the fact that no matter how hard I look, I haven't found a single post about them. The text on the box is in Italian, but it says made in France. They are retro-looking "flare" glasses with a blue hue. The brand printed on the back is Luminarc, but when searched, I found nothing on them. Here is the original and translated text printed on the back of the box:
Entra nella storia coca-cola con questo leggendario bicchiere e viaggia nel tempo grazie al suo design originale ispirato a uno dei primi bicchiere del marchio. Tra il 1904 e il 1929, era utilizzato nei bar degli Stati Uniti dove la Coca-Cola veniva servita alla spina. Con questo bicchiere, i primi consumatori scoprivano il gusto delizioso, unico e rinfrescante di una Coca-Cola.
Translated (roughly by google translate):
Coca-Cola enters the story with this legendary glass and travels through time thanks to its original design inspired by one of the first glass of the brand. Between 1904 and 1929, was used in the bar of the United States, where Coca-Cola was served on tap. With this glass, the first consumers discovered the delicious taste, unique and a refreshing Coca-Cola.
Here are some links to pictures I've taken of the cups still within their original packaging:
Front View:
Back View:
Side View:
Here is a picture that is NOT of the acutal cup, but one of similar design to give you a better idea of what it looks like. (Since I have no desire to remove them from the package.):
The year printed on the box is 2007.
I would like an approximate value of the cups, a set of 2 as seen above, as well as a link to more information about them.
Thank you in advance for any information provided.
1 個解答Non-Alcoholic Drinks7 年前Can someone please help me with EJE 3.2?
I downloaded a light Java editor so that I could just learn the basic. But the Java editor is not running my any of my codes. Every time that I try to run my code it say this "Not a valid JDK base directory". Does anyone know how to fix this ?
1 個解答Programming & Design8 年前Does anyone want to be email study partners ?
I'm studying java and kinda of stuck on a couple of things. I was wondering if anyone would like to be email study partners? If so just leave me a message with your email.
Thank You Have A Great Day
3 個解答Programming & Design8 年前What is the best kind of soldering iron to use for electronics?
I've never done any kind of soldering before, but I got a soldering iron so I can do a few of the projects I saw on Youtube. Can someone please tell me what is the best one to use for electronics? This is going to be used for small projects, nothing major.
If possible, please post a link to where I can buy it on Amazon.
Thank you
1 個解答Hobbies & Crafts8 年前Can someone tell me where I can find a practice college placement test?
Can someone please tell me where I can find a practice college placement test? Something that I could do online or print out,
Does anyone know of a good website or books where I can study for the college placement test?
Thank You for your help
2 個解答Higher Education (University +)8 年前What is on a College placement Test?
I would like to know what is on a College placement test? Is there any good websites that I can study for the College placement test? How hard would the placement test be?
Thank You for the help.
1 個解答Standards & Testing8 年前Is it legal to use a car insurance check for another car repair?
I live in Texas and someone backed their car into mine in a parking lot. Their insurance company is going to send me a check for the repairs, but I need to get the other side of my car fixed from when my tire blew out some time ago. I would like to know if it is legal to use the check that the insurance is going to send me to pay my insurance company deductible to have my car fixed?
2 個解答Insurance & Registration8 年前Should I get a credit card?
I don't want to get a credit card. Never had a credit card before. But my wife and I were talking about getting a credit card just in case of an emergency.
Can someone please tell me a good credit card to have ? I'm looking for a credit card that you don't have to pay a fee. Also what are the things that I need to look at when trying to get a credit card?
6 個解答Credit8 年前Will a roach bomb set off a hard-wire smoke detector ?
I just move in to a new apartment unit. That has a hard-wire smoke detector in the hallway. I Would like to know. If my smoke detector would go off if I set off some roach bombs?
3 個解答Other - Home & Garden8 年前Is this a good Internet speed ?
Hello I would like to know if this is a good deal? For playing Video Games on my PS3 and watching videos.
Bandwidth Included - 200GB
Upstream Capacity - 512kbps
Downstream Capacity - 6Mbps
Thank You for the help!
2 個解答Computer Networking8 年前Will this Baseball be worth anything in the future ?
Hello I just got an e-mail telling me that I won a contest. It say that I won. One free bag of Nutri Dent based on your dog’s size and weight
A free souvenir baseball from the Oakland’s Athletics Dog Day at the Park signed by A's outfielder Josh Riddick
Will the sign baseball be worth anything in the future ???
Thank you for your help
Also here the link to the page if that would help..
3 個解答Baseball9 年前When will I get my next SSI checks ?
Hello everyone my question is : When will be the next time I would received my SSI check?
The last check that I received was 7/27/12. So will my next check be here 7/28/12 ?
Thank you for your help
1 個解答Financial Aid9 年前I need help with biding on Ebay !!?
Hello I never bid on Ebay before. An I've have a couple of question about biding on Ebay. I bid $1.00 on something that had zero bids. My question is if no other people bid on it. Does that mean I would get the item for $1.00 + shipping to ? ______ Thank you for the help _____
4 個解答Other - Computers9 年前ClockWorkMod v5.0.2.7 (HELP)?
Need Help with ClockWorkMod v5.0.2.7
Hello I'm still new with rooting. I'm trying to put ClockWorkMod v5.0.2.7 for Samsung Prevail SPH-M820 on my phone. I already did step 1 to 10 . But when I hit the start button the message log say this.
<5> Start Thread Detected : 0
<6> Start Thread Detected :0
<7> Start Thread Detected : 0
<8> Start Thread Detected :0
<1> ----cannot open the USB serial port. code: 5
Is there anyway I can fix? (My Prevail is rooted and run Android Version 2.3.5) ---Thank you for the help---
1 個解答Cell Phones & Plans9 年前Can you send Lego to the moon?
Hello I was watching the video of the two teen sending the Lego man in space. I was just wonder can you send a Lego man to the moon? Will it cost a lot of money to send a Lego to the moon? If so how will it take it to reach the moon?
5 個解答Astronomy & Space9 年前Why is my Call of duty 4 keep kicking me off line?
Hello I have band new Call of duty 4 game for PS3. I was able to play online before. But now every time I try to play Call of duty 4 online it restart the whole game. So my question is Why is Call of duty 4 restart every time I try play online? Also is there anyway to this? Thank you for the help
1 個解答Video & Online Games9 年前Is there a way to connect my Wii to my phone hot spot?
Is there a app to wifi tether connect my Wii to my phone hot spot? I'm looking for an app. That is a wifi all access point (not ad hock connect) my phone is rooted
1 個解答Nintendo Wii10 年前What is rooted WiFi Tethering ? Is it free?
I have rooted my phone. And using a Open Garden tethering app. I want want to know. Is root WiFi tethering is it free to use? Will I be bill at all by my phone for using it? Also does this mean I have unlimited internet while I WiFi tether? ( Also if this help my phone as a unlimited data.) Thank you for the help
1 個解答Cell Phones & Plans10 年前Does it cost anything if I use Open Garden WiFi Tether?
Does it cost anything if the I use Open Garden WiFi Tether ? Yes my phone is rooted
2 個解答Cell Phones & Plans10 年前Is there a gun store in Houston. Where I can put a gun on way a way? ?
Hello I was wondering if there a gun store in Houston. Where I can put a gun on Way A Way ?
2 個解答Hunting10 年前