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Am i the only one that thinks what Donald Trump is doing is lame and so transparent?
After seeing the length this guy goes to, to gain attention to his cause. how it is that people are still blind to this crap? 1st he gets the whole country to hate on him. then he goes and attack McCain for serving his country. and just like that all the republican fanatics in this country are behind McCain. people call him stupid, but in my opinion, he is one smart *** guy, who knows how to play on peoples emotion.
6 個解答Politics6 年前would it piss you off to know that the NFL doesn't have to pay any taxes?
Did not know that until today, yahoo actually posted an interesting article for a change. They make 10+ billions a year and it's all tax free for them. not only that the team owners pay a due to the NFL around 6 mil. and it's all a tax right off for them because it's consider a charity donation. And all these executives of the NFL makes ten's of millions a year from it.
8 個解答Football (American)8 年前Does anybody here even feel sorry for that paralized biker thing from NY?
personally I think they deserve what they got. yeah he was only trying to help a fellow biker. but his wife needs to be blaming the idiots they were riding with. not the driver of the SUV. They driver was minding his own business and driving his wife and kids somewhere. if it was me, I would have taken out more then just 2 or 3. i'd been side swiping and slamming on my brakes and everything.
6 個解答Community Service8 年前Why do some of you women try so hard to catch a guys attention with your looks?
just a nice clean look is good. do you not realize that using sex appeal to attract a guy is the stupidest thing you can do. even if you get the guy, once he has taken you for a spin or two around the block, he's done with you. he got what he wanted and what he came for. eventually he will go looking for what he needs and not what he wants.
5 個解答Singles & Dating8 年前Is it just me, or does all these new model cars starting to look alike?
Half the time I can't even tell if it's a Ford or a Kia going down the road anymore. what the hell happen to being creative and innovative.
2 個解答Other - Cars & Transportation8 年前does the government really think that unemployment is down?
don't they realize that we are not that dam stupid. the figure for people filing for benefits is down because, those people have max out the amount they can collect and can't file anymore.
4 個解答Government8 年前So how many of you people still think the U.S. is still the land of the free?
With the patriot act, cameras everywhere, drones flying over head, and Obama basically declaring himself king, by giving himself the power to declare martial law when ever he wants.
7 個解答Government8 年前why does American made movies have their premier's and openings overseas 1st?
Every other country opens their movies in there own country 1st then opens over seas a week or so later. Is it just me or is that going to be the trend now. not only is jobs going overseas. but movies are being shown over seas before it is even seen by a single American. God this country sucks a$$ so bad now.
2 個解答Movies8 年前