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Is this Wayne LaPierre's new line for the NRA?
"The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a yacht."
1 個解答Politics2 星期前Voting rights?
In the wake of many states passing and trying to pass restrictive voting, should we do something about it? I'm not saying protest. I'm saying, maybe the federal government should make the Tuesday of voting a federal holiday. So, if you don't want mail in ballots or anything like that, people who actually work and can't make it to the polls before 5:00 PM can have the day off to vote.
6 個解答Elections4 星期前Just because the governor lifts mask restrictions, doesn't mean...?
That you can disobey the rules set by a private company. Do you agree? If not, why? This woman got a lesson in it:
2 個解答Politics1 月前What is wrong with these TrumpPAC M F rs?
Freedom is not about keeping people safe, and yourself safe. Look back to 1776 and 1812. That is what freedom is about. What say you about getting the Covid numbers down, like they've been going?
3 個解答Politics2 月前What happened to the Yahoo Answers link?
It is no longer available in Has it been moved somewhere else?
Yahoo Answers2 月前Are the Lizard People finally successful with their plan?
The Lizard People's plan was to elect Biden. Trump cannot beat the Lizard People.
4 個解答Politics4 月前Trump is hard at work after 21 years of power?
Woops! This is his idle. Working with the government to fine and jail people making slanderous comments online. За здоровье! to your next 21 years, dear leader!
2 個解答Psychology4 月前Question on term limits and electoral college?
Is it time that all members of congress had term limits? And, is it time to do away with the electoral college?
8 個解答Politics4 月前How do you feel about certain laws (cont...)?
In the United States, you are considered an adult at 18, on a state and federal level. You can be charged as an adult in certain crimes even if below the age of 18. How do you feel about this?
You cannot purchase alcohol until the age of 21, even though you are considered an adult. So, if you are found with alcohol at the age of 20, you can be charged as minor in the possession of alcohol. How do you feel about this?
5 個解答Politics5 月前How do you feel about certain laws?
This will be a multiple part question series. I'm just curious to see how people in different areas of the political compass feel about certain laws. First question:
How do you feel about state laws that make seat belts mandatory?
4 個解答Politics5 月前