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ginnye c
Court, title Car?
I purchased a car from an individual. None the less, we went back and forth because there was an issue with the bank transfer that was beyond my control which prompted me to do an investigation into the matter. He filed against me for the total of the car 4 days before being 30 days delinquent on a payment ( all 6 other payments were on time). The title is in his name , the insurance is in mine . He hasn't had the car insured since he sold it. Whenever I called him to get it titled with a lein in my name it b.s.'d around. Now we have a court date. Our original contract was 8 months, now since he sued he breached it, in the state of VA how long is the longest for payment arrangments with the court? what are my options?
1 個解答Buying & Selling1 十年前should i sue?
My father cosigned on a car with me in 2004, I had the credit score he had the credit history, I got pregnant, went on maternity leave in October, lost my job, Got 5 job offers in December, father took the car and didn't give it back. In November I paid $790 for a tune up so the car was like brand new. Father made me drive a car that had bad tags and plates a cop saw me driving it and threatened to give me a ticket, mind you, my car was still working and my father had a brand new truck sitting in the driveway while he drove my car down, Long story short, parents told me they wouldn't give me my car back because they were paying on it, car got repoed- found out he called the company and told them not to send me any paper bills. Car got auctioned, stuck with a $3800 bill, step dad says he's not paying a cent! Should I sue for half because he's cosigner or whole thing, because I didn't know they weren't paying.
8 個解答Other - Cars & Transportation1 十年前Should I sue?
My father cosigned on a car 3 years ago with me, my credit was higher than his but i didn't have any credit with payments, I paid on time, until I was forced to go on maternity leave and I lost my job shortly after i had my son, I found another job after 2 months , my father took possession of the car before then, but before he took possession I paid 700 for a tune up so my car was like brand new, he took the car in December, I was on maternity leave since October, I started my job in Jan, he did not give my car back and wouldn't let me pay him back for the two months that I wasn't able to take care of the bill. He and my mother made me drive a car that had bad tags, a cop saw me drive that car 3 times and told me if i drove it again he'd give me a ticket, my father had a truck at the time that was brand new, long story short, my father and mother never gave me my keys back to my car, they said they paid the bills but it got repoed and now i'm stuck with a $3700 bill and he says he's
3 個解答Law & Ethics1 十年前Anyone need a term paper done?
I have a 3.8 GPA, I had all AP classes throughout highschool and I am more than excelling in College. If you need any help or just plain want the paper done, all I need is the subject, atleast 12 hours and I'll give you the info to contact me.
That simple. I always do 2 different reports per request, you pick the one you want to turn in.
This is no joke I'm serious !
2 個解答Homework Help1 十年前Phone information?
I had a phone line about 4 years ago and a family member has passed away. I need to get the phone number from that old bill. How long does cingular keep records for the numbers?
1 個解答Cell Phones & Plans1 十年前Can the IRS take money from a delinquent bank account when there is not judgement?
I had an account that went delinquent, I just enrolled in a credit program to pay it back, but there hasn't been any information for a judgment. First question is how are you notified of a judgment against you and the second part is can the irs take the money out of your taxes ?
3 個解答Other - Taxes1 十年前