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1994 brake light problem?
I have a1994 S-10 and the brake light fuse blows but only when you start truck and put it in gear. I have turned key on and went through the gears one at a time(automatic) and it is fine but when actually started fuse blows as soon as I shift to reverse
1 個解答Maintenance & Repairs6 年前1994 S-10 4.3 shuts down after getting warmed up?
Name everything that can heat up and cause car to shut down with no fire yet after it cools will restart but as the day goes on it shuts down faster and takes longer before it restarts, I know for a fact this is spark related have changed coil and pick up coil already and it started both times but again there was time for it to cool while we did this also can a crank senser go out intermittently or all at once
1 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前94 S-10 dies when warms up?
the last couple days my s-10 will start when it's cold but after it gets warm if you shut it off it won't restart until it sits awhile I know this can be many things so just start throwing stuff at me to check out I DO VOTE its a 4-2 auto vin-Z sometimes it has restarted and then died immediately and still has to sit awhile
2 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前2003 S-10 no power to fuel pump code scan was P4052 (no fuel pressure)?
Fuel pump is good, relay is good, new fuel filter, lost power to fuel pump while it was running 2.2 36,000miles
what do I check next someone said something about wiring goes through oil switch???? can you explain?? I do vote and will add more info if your answer does not work Thank You
2 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前Rt turn signal works but much more rapidly than left?
2003 S-10 turn signals work great until lights are on then right side blinks real rapid checked all grounds and all bulbs are new and work. if parking lights or headlights come on (daytime running lights) or if turned on manually then right one blinks way to fast. I will vote thank you if you need more info ask and I will add to details
10 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前2003 S-10 Brakes cannot bleed front?
Ok my S-10 friends I do VOTE. I bought a wrecked S-10 and rebuilt. In the process I put a new frame under it so I had to move all and everything to the new frame including brake system and I had to do it in sections because of rear end then major lines then right and left front suspension inc brakes and lines not to mention cab with master cyl attached to it so yes my sysytem worked when I started but when I was done some 2 years later (yes it was a project I was careful about everything down to a clip is why) I can blead back brakes but not front It's that simple I hope. Can you tell me what next I am stumped. symptoms are ABS and brake light are on and no peddle and I expect that if I don't have front brakes. EB works great again 2003 S-10 ext cab LS with 2.2.Auto 36,000 actual miles
4 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前Car overheats, now won't restart, I will vote 98 Cavalier 2.4 twin cam?
I am fixing this myself and will figure it out but if you want points I will vote best answer to the one who gives me the best way of diagnosis. here is what happened to my 98 Cavalier 2.4 twin cam
1. driving with cruise on 60
2. water pump starts leaking and we loose antifreeze
3. while trying to get to closest exit safely water level light comes on and temp gauge begins to rise
4. motor starts revving higher by the looks of the tach so I assume tranny is slipping from loss of coolant heating it up but gauge has only raised a few degrees
5. I turn off cruise, car continues to move and exit is half mile
6. I get to exit and while pulling off warning lights come on car dies ( possibly all at the same time so understandable )
7. We get pulled off safely
8. yes I get steam but it's from water pump leaking onto exhaust but temp gauge did not rise to danger level and motor all though hot still cranks easy right after dieing
9. Car will not fire, Yes fuel is fine. This is electrical I am sure. besides the leaky water pump there is no water in the oil and in my thoughts I am wondering what could have gotten hot enough to cause lack of fire now. Is this possible?
OK I give you the series of events. Keep in mind this all happened within a 2 mile drive before my wife wakes me up telling me low coolant light comes on and I can get safely to the next exit getting us off major highway traffic which I have no regret because at 2am in the morning I prefer to be off the road on an exit than a major highway so for safety reason's for my wife and I that was my choice so please don't tell me I should have pulled over instantly because of the danger it was not an option for me. I did not want help from a stranger at that time and place and I had my cell to get a wrecker. I am not car stupid. I was a body man all my life but most of mech experience came from what I have had to fix on my own cars and ones I have purchased to fix up. Like I said I can figure this out but since I don't ask very many questions on here I thought it would be fun to see what answers I get and also hoping you save me diagnostic time and money I have every part I need at my disposal, Please without being sarcastic tell me what direction you would go next, I can by another car or motor if need be so I am not desperate just want to see a best answer I WILL VOTE Thank You for understanding all my choices were made based on safety for us and in a matter of just a couple minutes after being awaken by my wife who was driving.
6 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前what is the difference between .com .net and .gov?
I can pretty much tell what .gov means. It seams it's a government site but and if I am right then what is the difference between .com and .net and is there any more I should be aware of
3 個解答Words & Wordplay9 年前California law vs Indiana law when it comes to child support?
I know in California if the mother does not go to court and Identify the father within 2 years than he as the father has no legal financial responsibility. Is Indiana the same? NOTE: please understand I am not asking about moral but LEGAL responsibility.
2 個解答Law & Ethics1 十年前does a 1994 S-10 with a 4.3 throttle body have a crank sensor and where?
I have been getting so many conflicting reports please don't answer if your not sure (it's just wasting both our time) It is a 1994 and has a 4.3 it does have the distributer and coil everything has been changed even module but still no spark been getting allot of people say change the crank sensor but auto zone says there is not one until 1996 and advanced auto parts says there is one on passenger side behind harmonic balancer Do you see how confusing this can be I did not see one behind the balancer
5 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前1994 S-10 wont start 4.3 throttle body?
NO spark already changed coil and module, cap, rotor, and wires. we hav fuel. this model does not have crank or cam sensor any other ideas? please no fuel ideas we hav fuel NO SPARK everything we bought we had tested again hint: quit while running then restarted for awhile after cooling down but quit again after heating back up now wont start at all
3 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前S-10 1994 4.3 dies after running for 5 minutes?
My sons S-10 starts up and runs fine but as soon as it warms up to temp it dies, Already put a fuel pump in it 3 months ago and it has a 3 month old tune up also, any other Ideas. note: check engine light does not come on before it dies, It is a 94 with a 4.3 automatic I am wondering if coil or module could be getting hot and cutting out ???????
2 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前Installed new clutch worked fine until changed o-ring in slave cylinder line to stop leak?
I installed new clutch pressure plate throwout bearing slave cylinder and new clutch fork in 1993 S-10 worked good until I had to replace an o-ring in slave cylinder to stop leak now shifter will go into gear but now clutch wont engage and wheels wont turn if you need more info 765-620-4005 don't understand what putting new seal in would change anything though it did fix the leak note: I can shift gears without depressing clutch even with it running
3 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前converter turning red and car ETS and Engine light came on?
Yesterday my 1998 Cavalier started first thing in the morning, ran crappy for 2 miles to work and the ETS and Check engine light came on as soon as I started it. Did the same on the way home. This morning I got pulled over by the police on the way to work again. They were telling me that my exhaust was cherry red up by the converter. This all happened within 4 miles of driving. Any one with any Ideas I am afraid to drive it to get it looked at, I was going to take it and have it looked at today (I decided to take day off and see if I can get it fixed). Would appreciate an Idea before I take it and get raped by mechanic. Car ran good in drive but terrible in other gears everyone was telling me traction problems but what would that have to do with exhaust? Engine light flashes after a minute but ETS light stays on. Drove home from Church on Tuesday night no problem Wed morning woke up to leave for work and this started immediately. Drove home and parked it in heated garage because somepne told me I drove through water and maybe traction sensor froze but took it out of garage this morning and it was still the same except for the police officer pulling me over to tell me my exaust was cherry red so I drove back home and took vacation day to get fixed would just like an Idea of what to expect the mechanic to say. A trustworthy one is hard to find where I live.
6 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前1998 cavalier ets and check engine light comes on- started first start one morning?
ETS and check engine light came on this morning car Idles rough in all gears but drive and does not want to shift normal but ill shift through all gears just slow parked it last night nothing wrong left for work this morning and lights came on immediately and started running rough even dying until I figured out how to compensate for that by giving it a little more gas when stopping what do I look for? yes it is automatic w/overdrive
3 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前how come water wont drain from washer machine?
water wont drain from washing machine on any cycle
1 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前dell desktop was gave to me but cant get past welcome center?
it is an 04 model desktop dell with windows XP I can get past welcome center but only for a split second before it will go right back to welcome center I would like to restore it back to an earlier date or I also have reboot disk
1 個解答Desktops1 十年前