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Adam S
Why does Andrew Breitbart's Ghost ask questions of the Democratic Left...?
...and then blocks every Leftist who answers him? Is he creating his own cult of personality?
3 個解答Other - Politics & Government8 年前Sophie--If the world is ending in two weeks why do you still block every Liberal on YA?
You ask how we're going to spend the last of our precious time but 50% + of us can't answer you because you block everyone you don't agree with. Do you want to spend the last of your precious time bitterly closing out the views of half of YA?
2 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Will Roger Waters tour The Wall in 2013?
I realize that this isn't exactly a Blues question but this is the section where people with a pulse seem to hang out.
I know Waters has been touring The Wall for a couple of years now and he says he's getting tired of it but I never had the chance or the cash to see it previously and it's kind of a life's goal at this point. The only times I've seen it mentioned in the past 6 months or so he says he's thinking about it but hasn't decided. Anyone have any updated news about it?
3 個解答Blues9 年前If Israel is about to attack the Gaza Strip...?
...then why do all of the networks have reporters in Tel Aviv reporting the Israeli position but there are no reporters in the Strip?
2 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Hey Texas, have you seceded yet?
If not, would you hurry the hell up and do it? Don't let Oklahoma hit you on the azz on the way out. And good luck in suppressing the guaranteed revolt in Austin when you do secede.
And you might want to teach the citizens of your new country how to actually spell "secede".
8 個解答Politics9 年前Could Allen West possibly be more of a douche nozzle?
The most deeply psychotic Republican in the House of Representatives (and that's saying a lot!) still won't concede his seat, even though the margin is over 2000 votes. Would one of you Florida donut heads please shoot him with a tranq dart and get him offstage already?
5 個解答Elections9 年前Tammy Baldwin wins, Alan Grayson wins, Elizabeth Warren wins, Allen West loses, the Romneytron 3000 loses...?
I don't really have a question, I'm just practicing my gloating.
2 個解答Elections9 年前By tomorrow Mitt Romney will have spent over half a billion dollars to lose?
Is this "sound fiscal policy?
11 個解答Elections9 年前Will Conservatives continue to praise Colin Powell...? they have for the past 12 years or, now that he has again endorsed President Obama, will they vilify him as a Socialist and a Muslim?
9 個解答Politics9 年前Conservatives: How often do you...?
Use the term "shuck and jive" to refer to the actions of white people?
11 個解答Politics9 年前If Paul Ryan is so convinced he and Romney are going to win...?
...why is he also running to retain his Seat in the House? Even Ron Paul gave up his seat when he (comically) ran for President.
And if you answer "because Wisconsin's Republican Governor will get to fill his seat," aren't you then approving of election fraud and voter manipulation?
4 個解答Politics9 年前If you support the requirement for voters to show ID...?
...yet the Constitution doesn't contain any requirement to show ID to vote, Does that mean that you want to change the Constitution, thus making you a judicial activist, or would you argue that if they had ID back then it would be in the Constitution, thus making you a believer in an evolving and developing Constitution?
15 個解答Politics9 年前Lindsey Lohan is supporting Romney?
Think about that one when you're pulling the lever in November, Republicans.
7 個解答Elections9 年前Best little known rock or blues songs that everyone should hear?
Just for fun and because I'm stoned. I have two:
Elton John & Eric Clapton, Runaway Train from Elton's The One. A straight up attempted pop hit marred by one of the most obnoxious drum synthesizers ever. Underneath it, though, Clapton chops some of his most searing and hard-hitting blues riffs ever and Elton does surprisingly well on Hammond organ.
Jimi Hendrix, The National Anthem (multi-guitar overdub studio version) from the Rainbow Bridge bootleg. Hendrix plays 5 or 6 different guitars. With headphones on, the backround riffs are absolutely amazing. The barely audible finger-noodling at the end might be the best guitar work you'll ever hear.
Let's hear yours.
6 個解答Rock and Pop9 年前Just what exactly is the New World Order?
The Alex Jones loony conspiracy corn flakes all talk about the New World Order but not a one of them have ever said exactly what that New World Order is.
The New World Order is:
a) A plate of chilli cheese fries,
b) John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi dressed up in Mascot outfits having Furry sex,
c) The Illuminati/Masons/Bilderbergs/Honey BooBoo's Opossum Squad
d) The only thing keeping Romney from winning the election
e) None of the above but the correct information can be obtained by making a small, one-time donation to InfoWars. Credit cards welcomed.
Any of you NWO nutballs have a better explanation than these?
7 個解答Politics9 年前Does Fox "News" get upset when its guests don't follow the script?
Poor Gretchen. She gets so flustered when people go off the Republican script. This is just one link of dozens about this story of what happens when Fox guests don't behave the way they are supposed to. Fair and Balanced or Reality Television? You decide.
6 個解答Politics9 年前A request of Conservatives?
Please e-mail Glenn Beck and Dan Cathy, CEO of Chik-Fil-A and remind them that boycotts are silly tools of the Left that never work and are pointless.
1 個解答Civic Participation9 年前Hey Conservatives...When's the next Chik-Fil-A Appreciation day?
Now that Chik-Fil-A has officially backed off on its anti Gay marriage stance, I'd love to celebrate appreciation day with all of you. When is it again?
7 個解答Civic Participation9 年前Is it "let's go to Yahoo" night on Stormfront?
Holy s--t! There are dozens of Nazi punks slithering around here tonight. I mean, there are always a couple of them oozing around the cracks but tonight seems like Homecoming. Why don't they all go comment on The Blaze, where they belong?
2 個解答Politics9 年前Is it time to buy a bunch of "Michaels" stock?
You ultra-right business owners are just too dumb to live. Most Liberals would never have had any problem with Chik-Fil-A until Dan Cathy started spouting off, now Hobby Lobby is taking a stand it will lose regarding funding of the morning after pill, which is only abortion if you think life begins while you and your date are having after dinner drinks. They should take a lesson from Jim Perdue of Perdue Chicken, who probably has to bite his tongue and have epileptic fits wishing and praying that he could spout off about some Right Wing pet issue but has the common sense to know that businesses getting involved publicly in sensitive political issues is almost always a death knell for the company involved.
I suppose I have to ask a question here sooner or later, so:
What CEO or company will be next to go into some Yahoo Answers Politics & Government-style rant and risk destroying their company?