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  • How much power should any government have?

    I often wonder just how much power a nation's government should have over the people of that nation. And what areas of daily life of the people those governments should keep their noses out of. The first thing that comes to mind is the inner workings of a family.

    Meaning things like photographing such things as a young child running around naked after a bath to disciplinary actions taken when a child misbehaves as long as the actions do not venture into the realms of abuse! Another is personal interaction I mean if a person chooses to do something of their own free will I believe they should be free to do as they please.

    Unless it will beyond a doubt cause harm to befall another person no matter who they are and by harm I mean physical harm. Some of the areas these governments should have a say so about in my opinion would be the workings of the nation itself as well as the relationships it may have with other nations. Of course I'm referring to the everything from the education system to the job front as well as foreign politics and defense from foreign powers and terrorists both foreign and domestic.

    The power any government has over the people of any nation should be limited to times of necessity

    and only times of necessity. Those being the protection of children from parents known to be abusive whether it be physical, mental, or emotional, the protection of others from someone who because of reasons of mental instability or uncontrolled anger seeks to harm someone else, and the exploitation of anyone children or adult for any purposes especially financial

    2 個解答Government8 年前
  • The problem of sex and young teens what's the cause?

    We're all aware of the growing problem of young teens engaging in sex whether protected or non protected. And everyone has ideas on how to solve the problem but what I want to know is what do people think is the cause of the problem. And the rapid growth of it among the youth of not only this nation but worldwide?

    In some areas of the world it can be explained by the lands culture like in Japan for example a land where they were more open and tolerant towards sex their stance only changing after being pressured by the United States and other nations.But what about here at home? What could be causing this problem to spread so rapidly?

    I have my suspicions but want to hear from people who have families of their own as I do not and think a parents view point will help me to better understand the issue by providing me another way of viewing the problem

  • Why do people not question the official story?

    I have noticed much of society just accepts the official story handed down by the government when dealing with any major issues. Even though the government has been shown to do things not in the best interest of the people. Like the spying incident that was uncovered after the patriot act was introduced, or when the mk-ultra program was revealed to be an actuality, or the fact that ufo sightings are reported all over the United States as well as the world. Yet they are said not to exist by the government and most people just accept it. Space is vast and it's foolish to believe that intelligent life doesn't exist elsewhere in the universe or our own solar system for that matter!

    Something else I wonder why is it that the people who do question the official story are labeled conspiracy nuts? Only those who are naive feel no need to seek out the truth after all truth frees you while ignorance enslaves! I hope I offended no one that was not my goal I just don't understand why some people just accept the official story and move on.

    2 個解答Other - Society & Culture9 年前
  • Is Anime the only place you can find creativity anymore?

    Where did America's creativity go as far as cartoons are concerned (well everything really but we'll focus on cartoons for now)? Is Anime the only place one can find creativity now? I don't watch tv much but when I do get a chance I find myself going what the heck is this in reference to some cartoon my nephew maybe watching. The people who created shows like Avatar the last airbender or the Iron man series or even Courage the cowardly dog. Had shown great creativity by making such great shows but now we get crap like near naked animals or flapjack a show that aired on cartoon network. Has creativity gone extinct here in the states? Or is it on hiatus?

    1 個解答Comics & Animation9 年前
  • What makes Superman super?

    For a super hero who needs to be exposed to the rays of a yellow sun. Such as our own what exactly makes Superman super? And to those of you who say he doesn't need a yellow sun I present this "Superman's powers were subject to expansion and revision during the 1940s and 1950s. Shortly after Supergirl's introduction, the origin of Kryptonians' super-powers was revised. With Action Comics #262 (March 1960) (and expanded upon in Superman (volume 1) #146 in July 1961 and in subsequent comics), it is explained that Superman's powers are derived primarily from the "ultra solar rays" of a yellow sun (like Earth's) that penetrate Earth day and night. Under a red sun (like Krypton's, or the artificial red sun in the bottle city of Kandor), Kryptonians lack superpowers, regardless of the difference in gravity. The powers and limitations of Superman are instantly possessed by all Kryptonians (including animals, such as Krypto) exposed to a yellow sun." And this "As shown in Byrne's Man of Steel miniseries and subsequent comics, the previous emphasis on yellow sun energy as a source for Superman's powers was retained. However, instead of losing his powers instantly when exposed to red sun radiation (as is the case during the Silver/Bronze Age continuity), his powers instead wane gradually. Additionally, a lack of exposure to a yellow sun will also cause Superman's powers to slowly diminish, as seen in the Final Night storyline. Superman's origin story (as shown in Man of Steel) was altered so that his powers develop gradually over years as his body absorbs yellow sunlight. Conversely, Superman can expose himself to increased solar radiation to temporarily increase his power."

    He has hardly any weaknesses and the only one that was lethal to him now just makes him sick? Wtf?!! I mean it's all fine and dandy that he gets those amazing abilities from the energy of a yellow sun. But if he can't die then he's nothing more than a generic hero. I'm no doubt going to be attacked by legions of Superman fans for saying that. Oh well bring it I stand by it not out of disrespect to Supes or his creator but because every hero needs something to fear. And in Superman's case it was kryptonite because it was the only thing able to kill him!

    Honestly while I like Superman I feel he's being made to be too powerful. Yes Super may be part of his name but so is Man. There should be a balance between the two you can't have a hero who basically can't die since the kryptonite weakness has been changed making it a joke now. If you were to compare Superman to Batman as in who is the better super hero. I'd say Batman wins hands down.

    Because he has no powers yet faces super powered villains and is totally human. No super strength, heat vision, x-ray vision, super speed, and what ever other powers Superman possesses. So my question is what exactly makes Superman super when he has limited weaknesses?

    6 個解答Comics & Animation9 年前
  • Need artists for making an anime series from a short story I'm writing any one interested?

    Ok here's the deal I'm writing a short science fiction story about a girl named Kial and want to make it into an anime series. I have everything worked out in my head all the characters, the plot, everything I even have character designs done for two of the characters so far. If you ask why only two I'm writing two short stories currently so I don't have much spare time. Since I don't have much spare time to draw I need artists to help out. If you're interested I can be contacted through email at or Or through the comments section on my deviantart page 00fudd

    1 個解答Drawing & Illustration9 年前
  • How can people be hostile towards lolicon with out understanding it?

    I've seen a multitude of people asking about lolicon and why people like it. And most answers are from people who immediately demonize the genre yet know nothing about it! And I always end up asking myself how can they do that? I understand not everyone is going to like lolicon nor do they have to. However I always thought before you can condemn something you first have to have an understanding about it. Now I know what you're thinking that those are children in those pictures why wouldn't I not like it? However I'll point out that if those artist used characters that weren't human or human like no one would have any interest in their work!

    So it's necessary for them to draw images of humans. Notice I refrained from calling them children because they aren't not children not in the sense that most people view them in. They do not live, breathe, your kids will never go to school with them, and you'll never see them walking down the street! An actual child does all those things they're also not 2 dimensional!

    So giving a two dimensional character status as a human being is outrageous! They're not human beings like you or I even though they are representations of human beings.They're purpose is to allow us real human beings a way to laugh at the problems and tribulations of daily life as well as experience a culture not our own with out going to say Japan for example. Well sorry for the long question I just wanted to give some insight on the subject

    1 個解答Drawing & Illustration9 年前
  • Why are people so afraid of others that are different from themselves?

    People always condemn, demonize, or attack things or others that are different from themselves. Why is that? I mean it's because of the differences between people that we have grown as a civilization. Everything we have now the social, medical, and industrial technologies as well as the laws and freedoms we enjoy owe themselves to the differences among people. It's those differences that also make it possible to learn by introducing another way of looking at a problem as well as different ways to solve it!

    So why is it that differences are frowned upon instead of embraced? They are unavoidable anyway and embracing them would solve a lot of problems in the world. Sorry for the long question I just can't understand for the life of me why people seem to want to be the same as every one else. I love and embrace individuality and think the rest of the world should too but that's just me

    2 個解答Sociology9 年前