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Doubting Like Thomas
It is reported that, when Thomas doubted the Resurrection, Jesus did NOT send the Holy Spirit to inspire the other disciples to preach at him, nor to threaten him with Hellfire, nor to tell him what Jesus "really" meant. Instead, Jesus just showed up for a brief chat. I sure wish Christians would leave it up to Jesus, and stop preaching at me.
About the Oath of Office, in the United States:?
Since there are over 450 different ENGLISH translations of the Bible, how about having the elected officials place their hand on a copy of the CONSTITUTION, and swear to uphold it?
Swearing on a Bible seems to be favouring one religion over another, and swearing on any particular VERSION of the Bible appears to be favouring one denomination over several others.
5 個解答Other - Politics & Government2 月前How soon before some wingnut posts an opinion that Biden had Rush Limbaugh assassinated?
It's only a matter of time.
4 個解答Politics2 月前Is the Catholic feb 2nd "Feast of the Purification of Mary" a waste of a "Holy Day"?
Since it's Catholic dogma is that she NEVER SINNED, logic would dictate that she never needed purification from ANYTHING.
Yes, I know it's just a rumour, but still, it's THEIR rumour, and they should be consistent about who's Immaculate and Pure, and whose soul needs a bit of a scrub up.
11 個解答Religion & Spirituality3 月前Did any of you donate to Rev. Harold Camping's ministry, when he published the exact date of Judgement Day?
How much?
And when it turned out he was either a bad GUESSER or a deliberate LIAR, did you get a refund?
4 個解答Religion & Spirituality3 月前How many counts of "FELONY MURDER" are the Capitol Building invaders going to get?
From what I see on the American cop shows, if ANYBODY dies during the commission of a felony, EVEN IF IT'S ONE OF THE BAD GUYS!), everybody involved, including just the getaway driver, gets charged with felony murder.
A policeman died, as did some other people. So, felony murder for every intruder?
AND, fun fact: The law MAKING it a felony to damage federal property was signed by their Dear Leader, just this summer.
3 個解答Law & Ethics4 月前Why do movies & TV shows depict people who exhibit CHRIST-LIKE behaviour as the BAD GUYS?
Paul write that if the Christ be not truly risen, then your faith is is vain.
So, rising from the grave is the ULTIMATE Christ-like behaviour
And yet, movies and TV shows NEVER show zombies, who ALSO rose from their graves, as the GOOD Guys!
7 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前What is the "METHOD" of the Methodist church?
How does it differ from the methods of other Christian denominations, and how does it provide testable, repeatable, consistent evidence for the existence of Risen Jesus as an active agent?
9 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前Do YOU claimthe Bible "proves" that GOD made a ROUND Earth, or a FLAT Earth?
Some people quote passages in the Bible about the ROUNDNESS of the Earth, as proof that it was "inspired" by a God who MADE it round, while some OTHERS quote passages as PROOF that the Earth is FLAT.
BOTH sides quote, among others, Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,...."
7 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前IF you believe that GOD created everything, would you like to know why GOD created atheists?
Classic story from Chassidic literature explains it rather well.
1 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前Is Matt Dillahunty's "Big Jar of GUMBALLS" a good way to get theists from demanding that we PROVE that GODS & GODDESSES do NOT exist?
IMAGINE a big jar of gumballs. Two possibilities. Either there is an ODD number of pieces, or an EVEN number. Since nobody has counted them, IF IF IF we do not AGREE with the people who have FAITH that it is an even number, that does NOT mean that we DO agree with those who have FAITH that it is an odd number.
All we have to say is that we have not seen convincing evidence, either way.
In the same manner, IF IF IF we do not agree that THESE Gods and Goddesses exist, we are not obligated to believe that those OTHER Gods and Goddesses must therefore be REAL.
Just trot out some testable, repeatable, consistent evidence, and let us examine it.
4 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前Is there ANY way a mere mortal can do any REAL HARM to any Being which is INFINITELY Powerful, and ETERNALLY Unchanging?
It would SEEM that a thing which is not changed, has not been harmed.
And rumours have it that GOD is Infinitely Perfect, and cannot change to LESS perfect. Which includes being PERFECTLY happy, no matter HOW few people actually believe in Him. So, why would He punish anyone for NOT believing in Him??
13 個解答Religion & Spirituality4 月前Is it a SIN to wish health and happiness for others?
Should we rather PRAY to whichever Divine Beings may exist, to bestow health and happiness upon others? (Unless, of course, ill health and/or unhappiness is part of His/Her/Its/Their perfect Plan.)
5 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 月前Which persons, or what evidence, convinced YOU that YOUR religion is the ONLY valid Pathway to the Happy Place?
Rumours abound that some GOD loves EACH of us, INFINITELY. And yet, those who claim this GOD to be ALL-WISE, also dare to imply that it is TOO F[intercourse]ING STUPID to think up more than ONE valid Pathway to the Happy Place.
How is it even POSSIBLE that mere mortals could think up dozens of Religions, and YOUR God could only think up ONE?
8 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 月前How important is "Confirmation Bias", in maintaining YOUR religious belief?
I have learned that in SOME religions. Confirmation is SO important, that they have a specific ritual CELEBRATING it.
Seeing the tides move is not ( TO ME) evidence for the existence of the GOD known as POSEIDON. And having some old lady recover from surgery AFTER her children and grandchildren chant the Rosary is NOT (to me) convincing evidence of the existence of the Goddess known as The Blessed Virgin Mary. And the complex beauty of the universe is no more convincing proof of the God of the Bible, than the complex beauty of snowflakes is convincing proof that they were each Intelligently Designed by the God known as Jack Frost.
8 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 月前In what way would a second child, from Mary, REDUCE the importance of JESUS?
She got famous because she delivered what is considered, by some, to be God's GREATEST GIFT: The baby Jesus.
But, consider this:
If the postman delivers to YOU a gift from your grandparents, the largest monetary gift you've ever received, and LATER, down the street, delivers some kid a card from his aunt & uncle with a bit of money in it, in what way does the second DELIVERY reduce the value of the first delivery?
In like manner, the birth of Joe Carpenter Jr., a year or more after the birth of Jesus, shouldn't make Jesus any less important, should it??
And yet, some people CLAIM that Mary HAD to remain a virgin, and DID, for her entire life. NEVER had plain old sex with her lawfully wedded husband.
Why would people have that deep psychological need to BELIEVE that?
10 個解答Religion & Spirituality6 月前What is the point of the Religion & Spirituality forum?
I just got notified that I have violated a Rule by posting here, but no link to the specific post. When the nice policeman told me to turn off the engine, and keep my hands in plain sight, I knew what was expected of me. But to tell someone who asks and answers about the complexities of multiple Belief Systems that ONE of my several dozen recent postings somehow caused distress in a person whose faith cannot survive reasonable questions, without any clue as to WHICH ONE, offers me to clue as to which behavior to modify.
7 個解答Religion & Spirituality6 月前Spiritually speaking, How lightly may one kick a policeman, before it becomes a SIN or a CRIME?
Sophie says she "LIGHTLY" kicked one.
She MIGHT be lucky that he didn't take a truncheon to her skull.
So, spiritually speaking, how much pressure per square centimeter constitutes "lightly"?
(Sophie has me blocked, so I can't ask her directly)
11 個解答Religion & Spirituality6 月前