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Why is all the meat in the freezer bad? The power didnt go out...?
I spend most of my time at home, so I would have known had the power gone out. I buy meat a 4 or 5 pounds once a month and usually keep it two months at most. I only cook meat about once every 3 or 4 days since its just two of us here. Why would all of my meat suddenly go bad?
2 個解答Other - Food & Drink10 年前In Microsoft Excell How do I make text typed in a cell on one sheet automatically appear in a cell on a diff?
sheet in the same workbook? Whats the formula/function called ?
I know it can be done but it has been three yrs since I have done it and it really bugs me that I dont remember.
3 個解答Software1 十年前Baby shower Noah and the Ark Theme?
We are throwing it this Friday... We want to do a blue punch drink for water and "animal theme" foods. So far all I can think of is blue kool-aid and pigs n' a blanket and ants on a log... I need help. Please send ideas and recipies... I would greatly appreciate it! oh and also if you have any good game ideas!
4 個解答Newborn & Baby1 十年前