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Comrade Obamov
The media are in near unison declaring "Trump makes false claims about alleged stolen election" but you...?
...the so-called "American" people, will believe every word of it, won't you? The majority of you, the sheeple, always do. Even though the media acting in such unison is ALWAYS an indicator that something is up and they are lying or hiding something. I've seen them do this for nearly 40 years, but the majority (not all, but the majority) are going to believe them once again.
Politics6 月前The media are in near unison declaring "Trump makes false claims about alleged stolen election" but you...?
...the so-called "American" people, will believe every word of it, won't you? The majority of you, the sheeple, always do. Even though the media acting in such unison is ALWAYS an indicator that something is up and they are lying or hiding something. I've seen them do this for nearly 40 years, but the majority (not all, but the majority) are going to believe them once again.
3 個解答Politics6 月前Why are Americans so primitive in their understanding of socialism/communism? ?
I admit I've just been letting go of the restraint the past few days on these boards. With the upcoming election and 37 years of seeing the stupidity of the American people where Communism is concerned, I really don't care if I sound arrogant.
I mean, what is it? Is it the daily dumbing down by the media that has been going on for decades? Is it the pathetic indoctrination of the socialist school system? Is it the dumbing down from things like Twitter, where short messages short circuit the brain's ability to process large volumes of information? Is it primitive, pathetic modern music like hip hop and things like that?
I mean for crying out loud. For you ladies, if a handsome Communist from South Africa offered to give you a necklace you'd blush and say thank you. Most of you wouldn't have a clue that he'd just offered to set you on fire.
Most of the rest of you have no idea what a laogai is, who Subitaar was, and wouldn't recognize the Guojia Anquan Bu if it came up and bit you on the behind. But that's OK. Those things are incredibly easy to know, but they don't need to be known.
What you SHOULD understand is that if you give all economic power to the federal government, guess what? You limit freedom. You begin to establish dictatorship.
So back to my original question. Why are most Americans so STUPID when it comes to understanding socialism?
6 個解答Politics6 月前Error 12894. Why is Apple directing me to a solution that doesn't exist?
Ok, so I tried to download a movie from iTunes and I got an error 12894 message. I contacted Apple and they said the problem was fixed and all I needed to do was go to iTunes and click Downloads if I have an iPad. I have an iPad2.
Here's the problem. Go to iTunes and there is no Downloads section. There is a Purchased section, but that does nothing for playing this movie. According to Apple, I am supposed to download it again, and do it from the non-existent Downloads section.
So (A) what's up with the stupid error 12894; and (B) by is Apple pointing me to options on its own apps that don't exist?
1 個解答Software6 年前Is it right for my nephew's mother to exclude me from seeing him?
Phrased better, is it right for the mother to exclude me from seeing my nephew not only when I have done nothing to the family or the child but actually once protected that child's life?
My brother has a history of drug abuse (including crack cocaine) and disowned my nephew right from the get go. However, I love him dearly. After he was born I had to warn the mother about my brother's crack use. I had to do this because they talked in front of me about his taking the child to go places alone. They had been together only three months but then broke up. But she got pregnant and they kept in touch, yet she didn't know about the drug problem. It tore me apart to act against my brother, and I paid a price for it with him, but I had to tell because of the many dangers of a baby being driven by a drug-fueled father.
Ok, that was almost five years ago. I have tried my best to visit and be an uncle to my nephew. Recently I tried to visit and give a gift to him. I was told that his mother did not want me to have any kind of relationship with him. It was because I am my brother's brother and she doesn't want her child to have any connection at all to my family.
So I get punished for my brother's actions, and I get stabbed in the back after I protected her son's life??? I will add that this was unnecessary because I am going away for a few years of study. She knew that. She could have let other things in my life take care of her concerns. Was this right?
3 個解答Family6 年前Installed update for iPad2 now I can't watch YouTube through Safari?
I just installed an update for my iPad2 involving i0S 5.1. Now all I get when I want to watch YouTube through Safari is a blank screen with the following message: "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available." It then tells me to click on a FAQ page about HTML5 video. I do this and it takes me to an HTML5 trial page. No matter if I am on the trial or not, I can't watch YouTube videos through Safari. I can watch them through the separate channel, but not Safari, and I need for certain uses to be able to flip back and forth quickly for video favorites on Safari.
On the HTML5 trial page it asks the question "What does my browser support?" It supports video tag and h. 264 but not WebM. When I look at the same page on my desktop computer it shows it supports all three. Is this the source of the problem?
How might this be fixed? Again, opting out of the trial doesn't change anything. This didn't happen before I updated the i0S 5.1 software.
1 個解答YouTube9 年前POP3? What the heck is that?
OK, I'm trying to answer ads on Craigslist for an apartment. Usually when things like the stupid Windows Mail comes up I just copy and paste the person's email to my Yahoo Mail account and do my email there. But it looks like these listings link to the ad itself, not a person's email. So I have to create a Windows mail account. Problem is, can somebody please explain to me in PLAIN ENGLISH what the heck a POP3 and an SMTP is? I tried to look it up but its Internet Greek to me.
My email is registered Am I supposed to put this in for POP3 or Yahoo? I need to look for an apartment for a short term basis and the idiots who created this whole stupid way of doing things are preventing my responses from getting through (sorry for the pessimism but I'm a bit pissed off).
2 個解答Sending and Receiving Messages1 十年前Why did illegals choose a Communist holiday...? conduct protests? Coincidence?
2 個解答Politics1 十年前Another question for Obama lovers...?
If Obama's mother had decided to abort Obama, knowing what you know now, how many of you would have supported that decision?
(for the record, even though I am an opponent [see my pic], I would have opposed it)
10 個解答Politics1 十年前Would you categorize Obama worship as a cult?
I just got out of a bank and noticed a woman had a picture of Obama placed in the middle of her dashboard. It dawned on me the possibility that the level of Obama worship might be reaching that of a cult, since I don't know of any Republican who did something like that with Bush or Democrat who did that with Clinton. Mind you I'm not talking about a religious cult but a political one. Any ideas?
11 個解答Politics1 十年前Question for all idiot car drivers out there...?
OK, let me get to some details first. Answer this question if you fit into any of the following:
1) You drive way above the speed limit like a bat out of hell, as if you own the road
2) You park where there is clearly no parking space and in a way that obstructs traffic
3) You don't turn on your car lights in a tunnel
4) You aren't old and yet you still drive too slow
5) You stop at an intersection when there is clearly no sign or marking indicating for you to stop
6) You don't use your turn signal for turning or changing lanes, not as a fluke but all the time
7) You see a car coming onto a freeway from an onramp with its signal on and not much space ahead to change its lane but you barrel on anyway, neither slowing down nor changing lanes
8) You make a left turn through heavy two way traffic even as the guy in front of you tried it and got into an accident
These are just a few of the things I have seen that are common among idiot drivers on the road. The worst I ever saw was when some doofus made a left turn and went over an island deliberately just because he didn't want to make a right and turn around. But most peoples' brains haven't degenerated yet to that level of dementia so I might ask the following: if you fit any of the categories above, did environment make you this stupid or is it something genetic? Oh, and can you explain with some degree of logic why you do these stupid things?
4 個解答Other - Cars & Transportation1 十年前Question for Obama lovers...?
Can the administration get any more stupid than this?
31 個解答Politics1 十年前Why all the fuss over Jackie Chan's comments?
I mean, haven't we shed over the last decades every last vestige of our anti-communism? Didn't we say with the election of Obama that we want government to control us now? Why criticize Chan over something we want for ourselves?
5 個解答Politics1 十年前Question for Democrats/liberals...?
I'm trying to really understand the mentality of something here. When liberals like Obama call for more spending for social programs and the poor, they are considered to be generous. When conservatives go against it, they are considered to be stingy. But liberals don't pony up their own money; they pony up other people's money. And when conservatives oppose spending other people's money, they are looked at as skinflints.
So this is a genuine question here. If we can leave La la Land for a moment and venture out into a world where logic rules, how is this charity? And a second question might be, why isn't Obama ponying up any of his own money as a sign of leadership? If we could see the President making personal sacrifices, and then ask us to follow his lead, that would be real leadership and a lot more people would be helped. But he isn't going to do that, is he?
15 個解答Politics1 十年前Question for those in favor of abortion...?
What is the difference between this picture:
...and this picture:
One is an anti-smoking ad. The other a picture of abortion's aftermath. Why is the pain and suffering in one pic (the anti-smoking ad) bad while the pain and suffering in the other is good? Why in the case of the smoking ad would the child have been considered a child in the womb, while in the case of the aborted child they were just a "blob of tissue"?
12 個解答Politics1 十年前For black supporters of Obama...?
Now that 70,000 pre-born black Americans have been murdered under the Obama regime, do you feel liberated?
5 個解答Politics1 十年前Can somebody tell me what I saw?
OK, just off the bat I'm no UFO nut, and I believe what I saw was from Earth but it's just been baffling me the past several weeks. In January I saw over Marina Del Rey, CA at about 10:30 PM a pair of craft that hovered and did figure 8's at about 800-900 feet. They were not directly above me but I saw them at a distance of maybe a mile or more. They stayed at the same altitude for several minutes until one seemed to go much lower and disappeared. I think it came back and stayed at the lower level but I don't quite remember for sure.
These were not helicopters, blimps, planes, or parachutes. Judging by their motions they appeared to be carried along by the wind, making me believe they were some type of hanglider. But who would put lights on hangliders and go out in the pitch black of night over water at after 10 PM? And the big problem with this theory is there's no place in MDR to get to a height of 800-900 ft. on a hanglider. The closest place I guess to try this is the Santa Monica Mountains many miles to the north.
It is interesting to note that one of them appeared to have one red light that wasn't flashing either on its back or on a side.
I heard nothing in the news, no reports to police stations, nothing. A friend of mine witnessed it as well, but we couldn't stick around because I had to go drive him somewhere. We stayed staring at these objects for about 6-7 minutes, and like I said for almost all that time both remained at the same altitude, doing their quiet piruettes.
I've seen some strange things over the years in the sky, including a Russian satellite burning up on re-entry and the engine blasts of a satellite boosting itself into higher orbit. But I've yet to know what these were.
2 個解答Aircraft1 十年前Question for "African-Americans" on Obama...?
Obama's father was Kenyan, which means his family comes from a region of Africa NOT associated with the slave trade in the U.S. But his mother was white. His family are strangers to the American slave experience. Unless his family did some huge migration eastward a few centuries ago, he has closer ties to whites than he has to you. What do you think about this?
5 個解答Politics1 十年前