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Panasonic phone not going to voice mail, just rings?
I have a panasonic KX-DT343 that just rings for a user.... The voicemail is setup but it doesn't seem to engage, the phone will ring forever and not go to voicemail.
I beklive this is just a setting but I have no idea which one.... Thanks for the help.
7 個解答Land Phones8 年前Where can I read the actual Sandy relief bill?
Ive been trying to find a copy of the actual bill to flip through and see what is mentioned about "Pork" but I cant seem to find a copy anywhere.
4 個解答Politics8 年前What is a 401M plan? And do I need it?
I put money away for my 401k but on my checks I see that I am putting money into both a 401k and a 401m.
Can someone explain the difference or why I have two types of 401 plans?
3 個解答Investing8 年前How come there is no correlation to domestic production and price?
Why do some people push for more domestic drilling when there is no evidence that domestic production affects American gas prices?
Also, why would private companies sell to America and not into the world oil market like they have always done? Should the gov force private business to sell lower here ignoring other markets? Isnt that the antithesis of a free market?
Or should the government be drilling and refining oil, and reject world oil markets? Again opposite free market ideals.
6 個解答Government9 年前How do you feed animals?
An attendee at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday allegedly threw nuts at a black camerawoman working for CNN and said “This is how we feed animals” before being removed from the convention, a network official confirmed to TPM.
4 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Is it a bad sign if CEO's get paid more than their company pays in taxes?
What does it say about corporate responsibility if one man gets paid more than the total amount the entire company had to pay in taxes? Isnt this the sign of a broken system?
2 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Assassins Creed 3 Demo?
Is there anywhere I can get a copy of the demo for AC3 for the PC or PS3?
1 個解答PC9 年前A list of terror attacks committed by Americans before 9/11?
Can anyone provide a few names of people who committed what would be a terror attack on American soil by Americans.
The few I can think of are :Tim McVeigh, VTC Shooter etc.
1 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前Should we privatize water?
Should we allow companies to come in, draw a towns water, bottle it and then sell it back to them?
Should water be a protected resource?
11 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Arent people already covered by many programs?
Why do we need universal health insurance when people can already get Medicaid for the poor, medicare for the elderly and SCHP for kids.
If these programs already exist why do we need a new universal system?
I mean this honestly, what are the pros of using existing programs vs the new one in 2014(Maybe)
7 個解答Government9 年前How do you feel about the ACA being upheld as constitutional?
The Supreme Court just announced it was upholding the American Affordable Care act as constitutional.
It is still a breaking story but it looks like we all get healthcare!!! W00T!!
2 個解答Government9 年前Was Obama's policy an Executive Order or a Presidential Policy directive?
What was the exact term used when Obama introduced his new policy? I see both executive order and policy directive mentioned in news sites.
2 個解答Immigration9 年前How is Obama's temporary immigration policy legal?
Im not trying to troll just curious of how this move is legally justified. Can anyone provide examples or even how this is possible?
6 個解答Immigration9 年前What are some liberal versions of the Blaze?
I want to try and do some story comparisons between two ideologically different sites, but I'm having a hard time find exactly what I need.
Im looking for a liberal alternative to the blaze or fox news, you know those right-wing conservative sites. Im looking for the opposite.
I know the huffington post and MSNBC have been known to be left leaning.... But I almost want a more liberal view of the current news to contrast to conservative news sites.
4 個解答Politics9 年前Why is Yahoo Answers so slow today?
Ive been having a hell of a time getting on yahoo answers. The pages load incredibly slow, if they load at all.
3 個解答Yahoo Answers9 年前What are your opinions on the new immigration law?
Here are the requirements provided:
The following criteria should be satisfied before an individual is considered for an exercise of
prosecutorial discretion pursuant to this memorandum:
• came to the United States under the age of sixteen;
• has continuously resided in the United States for a least five years preceding the date of
this memorandum and is present in the United States on the date of this memorandum;
• is currently in school, has graduated from high school, has obtained a general education
development certificate, or is an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or
Armed Forces ofthe United States;
• has not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple
misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise poses a threat to national security or public safety;
• is not above the age of thirty
4 個解答Current Events9 年前Why do conservative states use the most welfare money?
States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78
Contrary to popular belief, those who make the most noise noise complaining about Federal spending and the programs said spending support, are in fact the same people who collect those Federal dollars and who coincidentally don’t want to give up the programs. Their states; the RED ones… receive more per dollar, than they give,as a recent New York Times article documents–even as fiscally conservative lawmakers complain about deficit spending–their constituents don’t want to give up the Social Security checks, Medicare benefits, and earned income tax credits that provide a safety net for the struggling middle class.”
Can anyone tell me why? Also Why should my tax money go to help states thousands of miles away just because they don't know how to generate money?
17 個解答Politics9 年前How do union donations to candidates work?
Ive tried asking this one before and no one actually gave me an answer.....
Its my understanding that a union cant donate union dues to a candidate. Dues can only be used in the administration of a union. A union can only donate money voluntarily donated from their members to PAC's.
I dont want any conservative BS I would like a real honest answer.
3 個解答Elections9 年前How do unions donate money?
I was thought that Unions could only donate money that the the union workers specified. They could not legally use your dues to support a candidate (Such as a democrat....).
Isnt this a way of allowing people to choose to donate money? Isnt this different from a corporation donating money?
2 個解答Elections9 年前