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Marilyn D
Is it really necessary to have a blood test every time you walk into a doctors office?
i'm a middle aged woman that lives a very healthy lifestyle and have no health issues, in fact I'm in excellent health, but my darned doctor always wants blood for something. It's very upsetting because I'm scared to death of needles (I don't accept any shots either. Nothing has EVER come back with anything but great results. I'm ready to tell the primary care doctor to shove his requests where the sun doesn't shine.
9 個解答Other - Health4 年前Can a patient refuse sedation for a Digital stenosing tenosynovitis surgery?
aka 'trigger finger' it's an 8-10 minute procedure done under local anesthesia or a Bier Block usually.
1 個解答Other - Diseases4 年前How long does a landlord have to refund a security deposit?
Hernando County Florida. The house was vacated a month ago and left in pristine condition
6 個解答Renting & Real Estate4 年前Why does it take months to close on a house in New York?
I've bought 3 houses in FL and closed in several days.
Why would my 3 year old, healthy Keeshond all of a sudden start sitting when I'm walking him?
We walk 2-3 miles every day and he has started sitting in my path every few feet. He's not in pain just acting strange.
6 個解答Dogs4 年前Is it safe to take an antibiotic that i am allergic to with benedryl?
I get a rash when I take Cipro but no anaphalactic reactions.
4 個解答Medicine6 年前Has anyone tried Tradjenta to lower blood glucose?
How did it work? Any bad side effects?
2 個解答Diabetes6 年前Does anyone have a problem being "labeled?"?
Labeled as bipolar, diabetic, PTSD, crazy. Things like that.
It drives me nuts to hear that!!
4 個解答Mental Health6 年前Does taking the drug Januvia cause foot pain?
I walk 5 miles a day and the soles of my feet are hurting since I started taking this pill.
3 個解答Diabetes6 年前If you get early Medicare parts A&B, are you entitled to United Healthcare's Silver Sneakers program?
I will also have the AARP United Healhcare for Part D.
4 個解答Law & Ethics6 年前Can i keep Obamacare when medicare starts?
Or is that illegal? It is a lot more expensive than what I'm paying now and the copays are a lot higher and don't seem to cover much of anything. I'm in a fixed income and will be paying double from what I'm paying now. I'm eligible for early Medicare due to being disabled.
2 個解答Law & Ethics6 年前Why isnt there a patch that can give insulin instead of a needle?
Seems that something like this would have been invented by now
3 個解答Diabetes6 年前What can be done about daily suicidal thoughts?
Meds, therapy and hospitalizations have done nothing to help this problem.
5 個解答Mental Health6 年前