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I didnt write enough on my profile page? Damn... Uh, I work a 8-5 job on weekdays, and... I strip for money on weekends (im not proud of it, but its my walking around money)
GSP vs Anderson Silva, anybody?
Who wins that fight, if/when it goes down, and at what weight ya reckon?
3 個解答Martial Arts9 年前Since when do people say Jews control everything?
I am looking up political questions on here, which is always infuriating because of the liberals, and I have come across this a few times... And I'm dumbfounded. Your thoughts?
6 個解答Politics9 年前What is one thing you would not do for a million dollars?
(lets try and not be gross about this... obviously gross question)
12 個解答Personal Finance9 年前Would you be opposed to a flat tax?
I mean, everybody (dem or con, rich or poor) pays the same PERCENTAGE.
Wouldn't that work for liberals, cause the rich are still paying more.
5 個解答Other - Politics & Government9 年前Why do you call Mitt Romney, Mittens?
Because if you look at it... Cats are known to be rather frightful, and cute. And it seems that Romney isn't frightful, and he isn't being cute about what has to be done.
In fact, Obama is the frightful apology man, and it is so "cute" to watch his socialism dribble into the open ears of the young and corruptible.
5 個解答Civic Participation9 年前the attack on our embassy happened as a result of obama's lack of backbone?
Cause it seems that since he is so quick to apologize, that no one fears our power anymore.
11 個解答Embassies & Consulates9 年前The liberal plan is flawed, why cant they see it?
Taxing the rich will only make them send more jobs overseas. Once they do that, there will be even more people on government assistance. Which requires more money... from the rich. Money they wont have anymore.
14 個解答Politics9 年前What the hell is wrong with McCain?
There was a question on here that asked what Obama had accomplished as president. And Ms. Einstine said- "watching obama beat McCain was satisfying". what could anyone possibly have aginst John McCain?
4 個解答Government9 年前Does the federal government have too much control?
I already think they do.
If you do, also give an example of one thing they are currently in control of, that would be better suited in the hands of the state government.
2 個解答Government9 年前Would you mind paying (slightly) more taxes if you KNEW that it wasnt being wasted?
Because i wouldnt. I feel like my money is being misdirected, and that is the only tax problem i have. What do you people think?
9 個解答Law & Ethics9 年前Is the the dumbest Stuff you have ever seen or what?
Should the 1% be stripped of the wealth they have and have it distributed among the people? asked this question, and picked my answer cause it was the only one.
Look at it, and agree with me with an insult for this idiot, and you get the points.
what about saying "HELP!?!?!?!?"
3 個解答Yahoo Answers9 年前Your dog ever done some crazy "stuff" like this?!?
My dog attacked a raccoon last night, and left him... maimed, so i had to put it out of its miserty. i was afraid my dog got cut up, so i washed him, and he was completly untouched.
7 個解答Dogs9 年前Can i send more emails after i level up a bit?
Cause the emial limit is, may i say, BS. I was Knee deep in conversation!
1 個解答Abuse and Spam9 年前What are some stereotypes pertaining to White people?
i have heard just about every other race's stereotypes, and i would just like to hear some stuff about white people. All in good spirit mind you, everybody knows they arnt true for any race.