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我叫阿秀 Julie,歡迎賜教。

  • article found in the internet

    What is wrong with the grammar?

    1. While looking at smiles shown on those dogs and their owners' delightful faces, many Chinese immigrants can't help to admire how lucky those dogs are for living such a fortune life in this beautiful city.

    2. What are documents that required to apply for their entries, how to book a flight for a dog, several related questions have become hot topics that many Chinese immigrants conern of.

    3. In terms of the cost of owning a dog, many people might shake their heads, and said it is extremely expensive to support their livings in this city.

    4. It is undeniable that there are culture differences exist in the ways Chinese owners and Western owners taking care of their pets.

    5. As an owner, Chinese should transform their ideology, pacify emotions, calmly make decisions based on what it is good for the dog, instead of for ourselves, while your lovely dog has been suffered.

    6. Where dog-lovers speak of their flurry kids, where we heard joyful laughs and see dazzling smiles.

    (It is unbelievable, ... an example we need to beware of what are posted in internetwhen it comes to grammatical errors...)

    2 個解答語言7 年前