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Windows 7 freezing at 4-pane window while loading..?
I backed up the PC a short while ago, and I'm pretty sure my external hard-drive introduced a virus / worm / trojan.. Thoughts on how to diagnose / fix it, using .. F2 and the Safeboot?
2 個解答Security2 年前How does "rolling" one's ankle damage the foot?
I completely rolled my left ankle yesterday.. I missed the last step on a staircase, and my ankle "rolled" completely to the left side first, and then the right, before I found my balance. Just below my left ankle, slightly forwards - that section of skin is VERY tender. No shading of skin (internal bleeding), nor black-and-blue / purple. The impacted area is roughly the size of an ankle. What did I damage? How long should I wait before possibly having it x-rayed / MRI scan?
2 個解答Injuries2 年前Validity of undated and uninitialed SIGNED Agreement?
I'm involved in a legal action. The other party signed a 6-page agreement, which was notarized (and dated 1/25/17). The agreement was drafted with flexibility / fill-ins, including the date on the first page. This was NOT completed, and was left "______ December 2016."
Additionally, the other party made a change to the document, in the left margin. The change was NOT initialed by the other party. There is enough handwriting, in fine black ink, that a layperson would could come to the conclusion that it WAS the signatory who made the change.
Is this considered a legal document? Would the court use the date of the Notary, as the date the Agreement was signed?
3 個解答Law & Ethics4 年前What happens if Legal bill not paid - out of state?
I'm involved in a legal matter and it appears my lawyer grossly inflated his billings by stating that he took actions as a result of being directed to by the court, which were actions he initiated. These actions involve drafting documents and attending conferences for which the party I'm in litigation against did not show up for.
I am willing to pay other parts of the billings not pertaining to these other actions.
I'm in one state, and the lawyer and my case are in another. So, what happens if I only pay part of the bill?
1 個解答Law & Ethics4 年前How likely is an Executor removed by the Court?
I currenly have an Action in Probate Court against my sister, the Executrix over my Mom's Will. She has not complied with the Will / her duties in four instances. I am seeking input from people / lawyers who have gone through a similar situation: how likely is the Court to remove her as Executrix, and appoint me as Executor, if I bring a motion?
1) She is to sell my Mom's house, when she no longer lives there. She hasn't lived there since 5/2016. House is still not for sale.
2) She acknowledging in writing that she rented out the house from September thru November
3) for $2,000. She has not distributed the proceeds to myself or my brother.
4) She acknowledging in writing that she totaled my mom's car and received $3,000 from the insurance company in 2015. She has not distributed the proceeds to myself or my brother.
She also blew off two conferences set up by the Court, to come to an Agreement with me regarding the sale of my Mom's house. I ended up drafting one on my own, which was provided to her.
4 個解答Law & Ethics4 年前Family Feud for Christmas ..?
I'm currently bringing litigation against my sister, because she is the Executrix over my Mother's Will and is not following my Mother's wishes / instructions. Per the Will, my sister is to sell my Mom's old house, when she is no longer residing there. She hasn't been living there since May. Instead, she has rented it out to at least two different parties, and has not shared the income with me (or our other brother, to my knowledge).
After involving a Probate Court Lawyer, she has made repeated lies. 1) She's only been out of the house for six weeks. 2) She has rented the house to a friend, and only charged them reimbursement of the house's utility costs.
Additionally - as Executrix, she is required to pay taxes on the property, maintain homeowner's insurance, etc. As of late November, the School Taxes due by August 31st still have not been paid.
When she was served with the Notice to Appear in court, her son called and left me a voice-mail message, that "the next time I see you, I'm going to fck you up!"
My brother texted me recently, and asked if I was coming home for Christmas. Per him, my sister ("we all") wants you to come home.
So - how should I respond to this?
1. I don't socialize with people: I'm in litigation against.
2. who lie to members of the Court.
3. who don't follow Common Law, and shirk their responsibilities.
4. All? Including my nephew who told me he would fck me up next time he saw me???
5. No response at all - if you can't say anything nice ..
1 個解答Friends4 年前Home for the holidays? Uh, no.?
I'm currently bringing litigation against my sister, because she is the Executrix over my Mother's Will and is not following my Mother's wishes / instructions. Per the Will, my sister is to sell my Mom's old house, when she is no longer residing there. She hasn't been living there since May. Instead, she has rented it out to at least two different parties, and has not shared the income with me (or our other brother, to my knowledge).
After involving a Probate Court Lawyer, she has made repeated lies. 1) She's only been out of the house for six weeks. 2) She has rented the house to a friend, and only charged them reimbursement of the house's utility costs.
Additionally - as Executrix, she is required to pay taxes on the property, maintain homeowner's insurance, etc. As of late November, the School Taxes due by August 31st still have not been paid.
When she was served with the Notice to Appear in court, her son called and left me a voice-mail message, that "the next time I see you, I'm going to fck you up!"
My brother texted me recently, and asked if I was coming home for Christmas. Per him, my sister ("we all") wants you to come home.
So - how should I respond to this?
1. I don't socialize with people: I'm in litigation against.
2. who lie to members of the Court.
3. who don't follow Common Law, and shirk their responsibilities.
4. All? Including my nephew who told me he would fck me up next time he saw me???
5. No response at all - if you can't say anything nice ..
3 個解答Family4 年前Home for the holidays? I don't think so ..?
I'm currently bringing litigation against my sister, because she is the Executrix over my Mother's Will and is not following my Mother's wishes / instructions. Per the Will, my sister is to sell my Mom's old house, when she is no longer residing there. She hasn't been living there since May. Instead, she has rented it out to at least two different parties, and has not shared the income with me (or our other brother, to my knowledge).
After involving a Probate Court Lawyer, she has made repeated lies. 1) She's only been out of the house for six weeks. 2) She has rented the house to a friend, and only charged them reimbursement of the house's utility costs.
Additionally - as Executrix, she is required to pay taxes on the property, maintain homeowner's insurance, etc. As of late November, the School Taxes due by August 31st still have not been paid.
When she was served with the Notice to Appear in court, her son called and left me a voice-mail message, that "the next time I see you, I'm going to fck you up!"
My brother texted me recently, and asked if I was coming home for Christmas. Per him, my sister ("we all") wants you to come home.
So - how should I respond to this?
1. I don't socialize with people: I'm in litigation against.
2. who threaten to perform violence against me.
3. who lie to members of the Court."
4. who don't follow Common Law, and shirk their responsibilities.
5. No response at all - if you can't say anything nice ..
2 個解答Law & Ethics4 年前Family dysfunction for Christmas?
I'm currently bringing litigation against my sister, because she is the Executrix over my Mother's Will and is not following my Mother's wishes / instructions. Per the Will, my sister is to sell my Mom's old house, when she is no longer residing there. She hasn't been living there since May. Instead, she has rented it out to at least two different parties, and has not shared the income with me (or our other brother, to my knowledge).
After involving a Probate Court Lawyer, she has made repeated lies. 1) She's only been out of the house for six weeks. 2) She has rented the house to a friend, and only charged them reimbursement of the house's utility costs.
Additionally - as Executrix, she is required to pay taxes on the property, maintain homeowner's insurance, etc. As of late November, the School Taxes due by August 31st still have not been paid.
When she was served with the Notice to Appear in court, her son called and left me a voice-mail message, that "the next time I see you, I'm going to fck you up!"
My brother texted me recently, and asked if I was coming home for Christmas. Per him, my sister ("we all") wants you to come home.
So - how should I respond to this?
1. I don't socialize with people: I'm in litigation against.
2. who threaten to perform violence against me.
3. who lie to members of the Court."
4. who don't follow Common Law, and shirk their responsibilities.
5. No response at all - if you can't say anything nice ..
4 個解答Family4 年前Stop kissing GF, who has periodontal disease?
I visited my Dentist this week, and had a few 5-rated pockets, for gum depth... Lately, when I floss, I have blood much more than I used to.
My GF has told me that she has periodontal disease. And, is reluctant to get it treated. I mentioned this to the hygienist, because she was surprised that she did NOT find any food particles, where the 5 ratings were.
She looked sad, and said that yes - my GF was likely the cause.
3 個解答Dental5 年前Can I get a treadwear credit?
I bought a set of Yokohama Avid tires in June 2010. I just visited a mechanic, and he told me all four tires need replacement (one has a nail; another has a patch which is leaking). The mechanic said that other two tires are down to 2/32". The tires are rated for 80K miles, and I only have 46K on them...
Can/should the installer give me a credit for the mileage / treadwear shortfall? Or not - I was told to "go after the manufacturer..."
5 個解答Maintenance & Repairs5 年前Is periodontal disease contagious / transferable?
I have a new GF, and she has periodontal disease. We open-mouth kissed 7/9 - and since then, I've had pain in my lower left palate. I visited the dentist yesterday, and they used a flushing machine around the sensitive tooth. They thought it might have been hard Italian bread, or a crouton, that got lodged between the gum-line and the tooth. I did not know about my GF's condition until talking with her last night. So - could my GF's condition have had anything to do with my developing a problem with my gum-line?
1 個解答Dental5 年前How to have Executrix removed?
My sister is Executrix of my Mom's Will. The Will stated that my sister could use my Mom's house as her Primary Residence, as long as she maintained it, paid the taxes, etc. It also stipulated that if she no longer used it as her Primary Residence, the house is to be sold "in an expeditious manner."
My sister has not resided there since May 8th. She moved in with her boyfriend. Dressers are moved, closets are bare, and her mattress is no longer there. However, most other belongings ARE there - DR table, nephew's futon and desk, washer and dryer, extensive basement storage. (She is basically using it as free storage...)
She now plans on renting out the house, and my brother is in agreement with this. *I* think the Will should be executed "as is," and the house be sold. I have contacted both siblings multiple times by text and e-mail, and they refuse to discuss the house with me. 1) Is seven weeks of vacancy enough time for the Court to Act / that she is not acting in an expeditious manner? 2) If I become Executor - I am assuming that *I* will then need to pay the utilities, taxes, etc. until the house is sold. 3) If I take out a home equity loan to fix up the house for sale, pay utilities, taxes, etc. - I am assuming I can "net" repayment of the loan AND INTEREST, prior to distributing funds from the sale of the house, right? 4) Similarly, I can seek reimbursement for my legal costs for having her removed as Executrix, for not performing her duties?
2 個解答Law & Ethics5 年前Statute of Limitations on Probate Claim - Mom's old car?
My sister is Executrix of my Mom's Will. Mom passed away in 2011 and her Estate consits of four portions (mine, brother's, sister, and sister's children). My sister was driving my Mom's car for a number of years, and totalled it roughly March 2015. She received an insurance check for $3,500, and used the FULL proceeds for purchase of another (used) car. She did NOT distribute $875 to either myself or my brother. 1) Is there a statute of limitations for claiming my share of the Estate asset? I think it is two years? 2) Can I file for an "Accounting of the Estate," and bring this to the Probate Court's attention / for Action.
1 個解答Law & Ethics5 年前Can a PC on a router see data sent to a second PC on the same router?
I have a Motorola router. It has two ethernet cables coming out of it, to two different PCs. Can either PC .. "see" data going to the other one?
9 個解答Computer Networking5 年前How to transfer data between desktops; incompatible SATA cables ..?
I have an old desktop from 2011, with a 7-pin SATA connector. My new desktop's SATA cable has four "slots," with a raised edge between the 1st/2nd or 3rd/4th slot.
So, I can NOT transfer data easily, by just hooking up the extra power and SATA cable on my new PC to my old PC's hard-drive...
Thoughts on how to get my data off of my old hard-drive? Maybe use an Ethernet cable? Or, a USB?
1 個解答Desktops5 年前Is a 500W PSU enough to run this?
I'm thinking of buying this set up:
I've seen that the GTX 970 requires either 450W, or in some references, 500W. I'm concerned whether the PSU can power the set up: adequately, and/or it will always run maxxed out / hot.
3 個解答Desktops5 年前Sister impacting relationship w/ niece & nephew?
I've had some disagreements with my sister, over the past year and a half. She's horrendous with money. I've twice denied her insistence for financial support (taking her kids to get footwear; loaning her $800). She already has not repaid our other brother over $1,800 in expenses.
I texted my nephew about what he wanted for his birthday a month beforehand. He never responded to my text, nor acknowledged it. I gave him a gift and a card on his birthday. Granted he had friends with him on his birthday, but he did not acknowledge it over the coming days, nor has he at all.
I texted my niece a few weeks ago, about gifts for her birthday. Again - she never acknowledged the text, nor returned it. I was talking with my brother on Easter, and he said that my niece told him that she would send him some gift suggestions later this week.
At this point, I will likely buy her gift certificates, which is what I did for my nephew. But, at the end of the get-together with my family, I am considering telling my sister I will no longer get gifts for her children.
They are rude and don't return texts They don't acknowledge gifts received. It appears they are adopting their mother's attitude / anger with me, for not financially supporting her (and them). Am I wrong in considering not buying gifts for my niece and nephew any longer? I feel like I'm an outcast, that is being taken for granted - I'm only in their lives when I provide gifts that aren't acknowledged.
4 個解答Family6 年前Family dysfunction; spread to niece & nephew?
I've had some disagreements with my sister, over the past year and a half. She's horrendous with money. I've twice denied her insistence for financial support (taking her kids to get footwear; loaning her $800). She already has not repaid our other brother over $1,800 in expenses.
I texted my nephew about what he wanted for his birthday a month beforehand. He never responded to my text, nor acknowledged it. I gave him a gift and a card on his birthday. Granted he had friends with him on his birthday, but he did not acknowledge it over the coming days, nor has he at all.
I texted my niece a few weeks ago, about gifts for her birthday. Again - she never acknowledged the text, nor returned it. I was talking with my brother on Easter, and he said that my niece told him that she would send him some gift suggestions later this week.
At this point, I will likely buy her gift certificates, which is what I did for my nephew. But, at the end of the get-together with my family, I am considering telling my sister I will no longer get gifts for her children.
They are rude and don't return texts They don't acknowledge gifts received. It appears they are adopting their mother's attitude / anger with me, for not financially supporting her (and them). Am I wrong in considering not buying gifts for my niece and nephew any longer? I feel like I'm an outcast, that is being taken for granted - I'm only in their lives when I provide gifts that aren't acknowledged.
Family6 年前