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How does Simon Pegg do it?
7 個解答Movies2 年前Could Julian Assange escape the Ecuadorian Embassy thusly?
He can't walk out of the embassy as the Briitsh police would arrest him as soon as he left diplomatically protected territory. So could he jump from the balcony he sometimes makes appearances on, into a convertible car with diplomatic plates? (He could then be driven to an airport and flown out of the UK). Is this legal?
3 個解答Other - News & Events3 年前TV won't pick up some UK Freeview channels.?
I have a Panasonic Viera TX-32LZD81 TV which won't pick up some Freeview channels such as Drama (20), 5USA (21) or Horror (70). Retuning doesn't make any difference and I have a smaller non-Panasonic TV which does pick them up so I don't think it can be related to the local transmitter. Both TVs use internal aeriels. Any ideas on how to fix this (not - subscribe to a cable service!)?
4 個解答TVs3 年前This is a set of ivory poker dice I was given years ago...?
Can anyone tell me how old these are likely to be? Their rough value would also be interesting although I don't want to sell them.
1 個解答Gambling4 年前My phone needs a micro SIM card...?
I will be in Thailand in a cpuple of months. Do the 7-11s in Pattaya sell micro SIMs or will I have to go somewhere like to buy one?
3 個解答Thailand6 年前Sun editorials - compare and contrast?
This image shows editorials from the national Sun and their Scottish edition, both from Friday 17th April. How would you say these serve their perceived reader demographics?
3 個解答Media & Journalism6 年前Sun readers - does this image surprise you?
This is from today's Scottish edition, saying what a great job Nicola Sturgeon did on Thursday. Did they run this in the English edition?
3 個解答Media & Journalism6 年前Mumbai airport - snack bars?
3 個解答Mumbai6 年前Flight reconfirmation - Turkish Airlines?
I'm trying to reconfirm flights with Turkish Airlines via their website, but cannot find their alleged link to allow this. Can anyone post a direct link to it?
1 個解答Turkey7 年前