Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

I'm a certified motorcycle technition with over 30 years of experience. I'm a licensed NY state motorcycle inspector. My expertise is with Japanese motorcycles, scooters and quads. I love riding and repairing all makes and models of motorcycles. I especially enjoy teaching others how to repair their own bikes. If you contact me for additional information, please include your email address. Also the year, make, engine size and model # of your bike. I can give you a more detailed answer and send pictures/files if necessary. Thank you. Jim
How to paste a picture into Yahoo Notepad?
How do I paste a picture or text, that has been copied, into Yahoo Notepad? When a notepad page is open, the PASTE feature does not work.
2 個解答Other - Yahoo Products1 年前How to report income from off shore stock brokers?
I buy and sell US stocks using an off shore stock broker.
The off shore broker does not report to the IRS and does not supply clients with form 1099-B
How to report income, from day trading stocks, using an off shore stock broker?
2 個解答Investing1 年前How do I change the settings in Yahoo notepad?
I would like to change the font and color of text. Also the paragraph indenting. There is no "settings" icon in notepad.
Software1 年前How do I remove "Unread" folder from yahoo mail?
I'm not asking how to delete all of the mail from that folder. I want to remove the folder called "unread" from my list of folders. I have the option to remove a new folder that I created, but I want to permanently remove the folder named "Unread". Is this possible? If so, how do I remove it?
4 個解答Abuse and Spam2 年前How do I retrieve original version of photo after editing?
The picture was in my pictures folder (windows 8). I wanted to crop and save a portion of the picture. The original picture is no longer in my pictures folder. How do I get it back. I'm using Google Chrome if that makes a difference.
3 個解答Software3 年前How to undue Microsoft "critical updates"?
1) I continually get pop-ups recommending critical updates. I accidentally agreed to install them. BIG MISTAKE!
2) When I attempt to perform a "system restore" all restore points before the update have been eliminated.
3) During "start up" my computer temporarily freezes.
4) Saved Yahoo emails are lost.
5) Programs I have installed now require me to submit username & password. When I first started using those programs, I allowed them to remember my information. It's been over a year and I forgot them.
This operating system is Windows 10. I don't recall if I had an earlier version.
2 個解答Software3 年前How to print without saving to file?
I'd like to simply right click and click "Print..."
Saving to file can be a nuisance when trying to locate where it was saved to.
I'm using Google Chrome and Windows 10 if that makes a difference.
I been reading on the web that others are having the same problem.
3 個解答Google3 年前How do I get to different categories on Yahoo Answers?
Why don't R&D departments test new products before using it?
7 個解答Yahoo Answers3 年前Did Verizon's acquisition of Yahoo, ruin Yahoo Answers?
My favorite categories have a message "Your criteria doesn't match any questions. Another problem I am having is the questions are 1 week old and I do not see any new questions. Is there a way to fix this problem?
2 個解答Yahoo Answers4 年前What does this German word or saying mean in English? It sounds like "oc-toe-libre"?
I was watching a WWII movie and this saying came up.
3 個解答Languages4 年前Girls, what do you carry with you in your pocketbooks?
I've seen pocketbooks as big as a backpack. Some were packed with enough stuff to go on a 3 day hiking trip. What is so important that you can't leave home without it?
3 個解答Polls & Surveys4 年前How do I set Google Maps to always use my starting address?
When I open Google Maps and paste a location to look for, I want it to always use my home address as the starting point when I ask for directions. It's very time consuming to always type in my home address as the starting point. There must be a memory feature to do this. Does anyone know how to do this?
1 個解答Google4 年前Are there any movies of foreign countries boot camp?
German army boot camp.
Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Republic of Korea Army
On TV news shows we see armed forces marching, but never see their basic training.
2 個解答Movies4 年前How to delete portions in Microsoft word?
= end of text to save
= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
= ******blank cell*******
= beginning of cut document
I have a document with text, numerals and blank spaces surrounded by lines of a graph.
I would like to remove complete rows including text and cell boarders.
= end of text to save
= beginning of cut document
1 個解答Software4 年前The movie "A Bridge Too Far" (1977) is there a version with the foreigners speaking in English?
I was watching a war movie to honor the service men & women on Veterans Day. The German, French and Dutch people were all speaking in their native tongue. Is their a version of "A Bridge Too Far" with the foreigners speaking English, but with their countries accent.
1 個解答Movies5 年前Is it alright to pour heated tomato sauce back into the jar along with the fresh new sauce?
Will that somehow contaminate the new sauce? Or should the heated sauce be kept separate?
9 個解答Cooking & Recipes5 年前Yahoo Answers now has adds at the bottom of questions. Would you tell me how to remove them?
The ads are a picture with a caption "here is an item you might be interested in" When I click on it, it brings me to a page full of web sites (like you would see when doing a web search). I have an ad blocker (Adblock Plus) installed, but it doesn't block them
3 個解答Yahoo Answers5 年前