Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

It seems so easy to monetize Answers, why is Yahoo abandoning it?
To me the way to sell advertising on the site would be to tighten age requirements with other existing site verification, and enroll members in specific subject areas. This would give advertisers an audience with specific interests and allow purchase of ads relative to the users interests. Age requirements could vary with subject matter with no requirement of greater than 18 years. Then bring back comments (juried) and let us go at it.
1 個解答Other - Advertising & Marketing7 日前Anyone else playing with a Drinkmate?
I bought a water carbonating machine and then wanted to carbonate other liquids. I bought a Drinkmate from Home Depot (99.00) and have carbonated wine, coffee and diet cranberry drink so far. Fabulous results except for the coffee foaming when I sweetened it. If you use something similar, please tell me what you are making bubbly and how it works for you. Looking for new ideas. BTW, the cranberry with a shot of vodka is halfway to a Cosmo.
When answering a question as to whether people in R&S were liberal or conservative My answer triggered the "something wrong"?
My answer was "I believe the life of Christ demonstrates love for others, compassion for the disenfranchised, food for the hungry, shelter for the wanderers and homeless, education for children, and healing of the sick. For some reason, treating others as you would be treated is now, in the U.S., considered liberal or even radical." Is this a bug or a feature?
Politics4 月前When answering a question as to whether people in R&S were liberal or conservative My answer triggered the "something wrong" response.?
My answer was "I believe the life of Christ demonstrates love for others, compassion for the disenfranchised, food for the hungry, shelter for the wanderers and homeless, education for children, and healing of the sick. For some reason, treating others as you would be treated is now, in the U.S., considered liberal or even radical." Is this a bug or a feature?
1 個解答Politics4 月前How did sex become dirty?
In Genesis 1:27-28 (KJV) it says: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
So God tasked man with having sex, having children, and multiplying to cover the earth with mankind. Obviously, sex was central to this command. Yet when the Roman church and theology got involved, sex became something shameful and secretive. What happened?
7 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 月前How to reheat leftover Rice Pilaf?
I went through all the steps cooking raw rice with butter and onion, reducing white wine vinegar then white wine, adding chicken stock and covering it with buttered parchment paper and baking it at 350° for 15 minutes. Wife reheated some in the microwave and it lost some of it's wonderfulness. Anyone know how to reheat this dish so it tastes the same as new?
1 個解答Cooking & Recipes9 月前Has anyone here tried using an atlas pasta machine to sheet Sugar Cookie dough?
I saw a recipe for cinnamon roll cookies, where sheets of sugar cookie dough were rolled out, covered with brown sugar and cinnamon and rolled up to make cookies. I have my problems gaging how thick/thin the dough is rolled and wonder if I can use a machine to make uniform relatively thin sheets.
3 個解答Cooking & Recipes9 月前Can I make a tortilla our of eggs or egg whites and almond flour?
I have a crepe baker that you dip in crepe batter (in a pie pan) then cook the batter that sticks by turning the appliance over. If you have a very low carb recipe, please include. Thanks.
4 個解答Cooking & Recipes1 年前Does making abortion a capital crime in Florida manifest God's love?
Abolish Abortion Florida has initiated a petition drive to amend the Florida Constitution making seeking or performing an abortion Murder in the First Degree, punishable by Death. Is this congruent with a religion that promotes a Loving God?
12 個解答Religion & Spirituality2 年前WalMart changed their recipe, and now I need to find somewhere else to buy Crunchy Peanut Butter.?
The recipe for Great Value Crunchy Peanut Butter has changed, and it's messing me up. I'd like to find a grocer who is still using their previous co-packer so my Christmas Cookie recipes will still work. The new recipe has significantly more fat and sugar in the peanut butter, and no longer has a deep peanut taste.
Albertson's used to have the same product in their private label brand, but they and Food Lion have left the state (Florida). Any help in finding some of the original good stuff would be appreciated.
7 個解答Cooking & Recipes2 年前How to season a rolled steel griddle?
I have a serious cooking gadget habit, and just bought a 36" flat top griddle. I tried to season it with olive oil, and got the top center to 525°, but the edges didn't color at all. Will a heating torch or some other method help me get the whole top the same color? Its too big to fit in my oven like a cast iron skillet. It pretty much works as it is, but i't ugly.
3 個解答Cooking & Recipes3 年前Is Kathie Lee Gifford the future of Christianity?
Kathie Lee Gifford, in a Sirius Radio interview today, said she is NOT religious, but deeply spiritual and a follower of Christ and believer in scripture. Do you also believe that theology and organized religion obscure and denigrate the life of Christ, and that His life should lead Christian thought and action? Does the church have any positive influence i leading a Christian life?
14 個解答Religion & Spirituality3 年前Do Baked Whole onions freeze well?
I found this great recipe for baked Vidalia onions. These onions are seasonal so I wondered if I baked them (sealed in aluminum foil) and froze some, would they loose quality when thawed and reheated? Anyone who has done this?
Why aren't all McDonald's consistent from store to store. Isn't that what Ray Kroc was all about?
Last week my wife convinced me to eat at McDonald's. I ate a Big Tasty at McDonald's in Vincennes, France. It's one of the best hamburgers I've ever had. About a third pound of really good beef, fully dressed with fries to die for. An espresso and a Macaron for dessert, it was a great meal. A little over 20euro for two, but really worth it. The one a few blocks away in Florida serves crap.
6 個解答Fast Food4 年前