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What to do about a threat from a kid at school?
Well here's the thing, this kid at school (he's what people consider the weird kid) was wearing 3d glasses around school saying "***** I'm smart" so he was saying that all day and it began to get annoying, I then got annoyed and said "you look retarded in those glasses, go kill yourself." out of anger, he then said to me and my group of friends, who each made similar comments out of anger, "I will hurt the 3 of you" then left our table. I know what I said wasn't cool, but I'm a little worried, do I have anything to worry about, and should I tell my parents?
4 個解答Friends5 年前Is my cat hurt?
Ok, so I was going to sit on my couch and my cat went to jump up onto the couch right as I was getting my tv remote, my cat jumped into my fist and it felt like I hit him pretty hard. He was on the top of my couch after the hit and he looked pretty weird. He seems ok now but I'm worried I hurt him or gave him an injury I don't know about, or worse, gave him a permanent head/brain injury since it felt like I hit him hard. Please answer! I'm worried about my cat...
2 個解答Cats5 年前Clash Of Clans Clan Castle Glitch?
Idk what happened but someone from my clan donated me a Dragon, I loaded the game and I got the text on the screen saying I was donated 4 Hog Riders and a Dragon, I have a level 3 Clan Castle so I thought it was a glitch, because only the dragon showed up in the Clan Castle. I got raided and they killed my dragon, and after the raid I was greeted to a full Clan Castle with the Hog Riders I mentioned before, I m just wondering what this was and if its gonna get me banned or anything, the game has been acting weird lately, almost everybody who raids me deploys one troop and ends the battle, it happens so much that I ve gone up 2 league levels because of it, thanks in advance for answering and helping me! :)
2 個解答Video & Online Games6 年前DO I HAVE CYSTIC FIBROSIS?
Alright, I m 13 years old boy and my parents just told me that when I was young I was tested for Cystic Fibrosis (sweat test) I was so awestruck that I never asked them any other details, my question is, is it possible that I have it? I don t do anything different with my life after the test and I heard you have to do a lot about it. I just want to know if it s possible I have it.
So I was yawning and all of a sudden I started to feel really weird, I then sorta went into a passed out state but was still like awake, then I got up like 10 seconds after and I fell over and I've felt very tingly since then, please help!!
2 個解答Injuries6 年前iPhone 4S HELP! WONT TURN ON!?!?
My iPhone 4S died last night and I went to charge it this morning, the Apple logo pops up, then the screen goes black, then goes back to the Apple logo! It has been doing this now for about 15 minutes! NOTE: My iPhone 4S is running iOS 8 and my iPhone 4S top power button is broken.
1 個解答Software7 年前Is Bulletproof Coffee really bulletproof?
I was bored and started typing something random and saw Bulletproof Coffee come up and I was wondering if it was actually bulletproof.
1 個解答Other - Society & Culture7 年前How to get my parents to let me watch these TV shows!?
Ok, so I'm a 13 year old guy and I want to watch shows like... Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, Cleveland Show, etc... How do I get my parents to let me watch those? My parents let me watch King of the hill but not those? They say they are not child friendly but they don't know that I know about most of the things they talk about on there and I'm no longer their innocent child anymore. PLEASW help!
2 個解答Comedy7 年前Sonic Adventure DX Xbox 360 Chao Help!! Please answer!?!?
Ok, so first of all, I HATE the way the chao system works in SADX and I'm only doing it for the last 5 emblems so I can unlock Metal Sonic. I had like 10,000 rings from missions and replays and stuff, and I spent it ALL on Chao Fruit so I can get it over with, all I have fed it is chao fruit, and all it's stats are level 16 with numbers ranging from 300-450. I still can't win the BEGINNER RACE! My chao either sleeps or starts drowning in the water. I need help on how to do this as quick as possible, as I hate the chao in this game. Thanks in advance, please answer!
2 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前Sonic Adventure DX PC HELP!?!?
Ok, so I downloaded Super SADX from Sonic Retro, I also downloaded Superfix.exe and put them in the same folder, each time I open SuperSADX.exe or Superfix.exe it says "Sonic has stopped working" I am running on a Windows Vista that is very slow because of viruses my sister put on it. Is there anyway I can fix this? I'm stuck with this vista until I can afford a new PC because my sister got a new one. She have it to me with all these viruses :(
2 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前Sonic Adventure DX PC HELP!?!?
Ok, so I downloaded Super SADX from Sonic Retro, I also downloaded Superfix.exe and put them in the same folder, each time I open SuperSADX.exe or Superfix.exe it says "Sonic has stopped working" I am running on a Windows Vista that is very slow because of viruses my sister put on it. Is there anyway I can fix this?
1 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前How to get my sister to let me use the TV?
Ok, so, my mom decided that during the summer me and my sister swap between getting the tv each day. She doesn't even use the tv on her days and I have games I want to play with my friends. The only reason she complained about the tv was because one day I did a speed run of Sonic 3 and Knuckles and it took 3 hours. I told her she could use the tv all morning since I stay in bed and use my phone. On my days of tv I let her use the tv in the morning but on her days she says no and shoots me with the nerf gun. I asked my mom and she said if she doesn't want to use the tv I can't either since it's her day. Please help!
1 個解答Family7 年前Does these girls like me? Please answer!?
Ok, so there are 3 girls (1 I almost guarantee likes me) that I think like me, I will tell you what happens to make me think that.
1st girl: (one I really think likes me) she has a nickname for me that is pretty cute and we talk a lot and is always laughing at everything I do.
2nd girl: she is always talking to me and fooling around with me, etc.
3rd girl: always strokes my hair (my hair is pretty long) and says it's really soft, and she wanted me to sit with her on the bus today.
What do you guys think? I need help!
2 個解答Singles & Dating7 年前My parents don't let me drink soda during the week! Somebody please answer!?
Ok, so, I am 13 years old and I don't really like anything but Soda, I am only drink it during the weekend and on special occasions. I would buy it myself if my parents would let me drink it during the week. How do I convince them to let me drink it during the week even if I buy it myself?
10 個解答Family7 年前My sister won't get off of MY Minecraft! Please help!?
Recently, my sister started playing Minecraft on an Xbox that is technically my dads but he rarely uses it and most games on it I paid for, Minecraft being one of them. She never gets off of it and whenever I'm about to sit down and play GTA 5 (mine) she butts in and says she wants to play Minecrafy and tells her little son story and my mom just tells me to let her play and threatens if I delete it I'm in deep trouble, I liked minecraft when I was around her age and now she is always on it even though I paid for that game! What do I do I'm so stuck... :(
3 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前Do Mega Stones disappear once you use them in Pokemon Y?
I don't know if once you Mega Evolve they disappear or if you can keep the Mega Stone forever.
1 個解答Video & Online Games8 年前Why won't my Blaziken Mega Evolve in Pokemon Y?
Blaziken is holding Blazikenite, it was the event Torchic!
4 個解答Video & Online Games8 年前Why was my Charmander Yellow?
I was playing Pokemon FireRed and I chose Charmander but when I sent it out into battle it sparkled and it was Yellow! I reset because I thought my game had a glitch. Why did this happen?
8 個解答Video & Online Games8 年前Is there really a Pokemon X And Y Demo at Best Buy?
I want to know because I REALLY want to play it!!!
1 個解答Video & Online Games8 年前