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Why, oh why, oh why?
1 個解答Politics7 日前Thank you conservatives for all these years expressing the frustrations of being on the losing side of history?
Ah, yes, in the 1770s, conservatives supported the King. In the 1860s, conservatives supported the slavery. In the 1910s, conservatives opposed the woman's vote. In the 1930s, conservatives opposed Social Security, minimum wage, and the 40 hour work week. In the 1940s, conservatives opposed food stamps and integrating the military. In the 1960s, conservatives opposed Civil Rights and Medicare. In the 1970s, conservatives opposed women's rights and ending the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, conservatives opposed gay rights. In the 1990s, conservatives opposed the right to take family leave from a job. In the 2000s, they opposed gay marriage and Obamacare.
I understand why they are so angry, when history keeps making them irrelevant. And now, because they're anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, they're busy killing off each other.
Nonetheless, without you, the political forum would have been dull.
God speed, righties.
2 個解答Politics1 星期前So, where do I go after Yahoo Answers shuts down?
I've been hear for years, mostly talking about mental health and politics. I wasn't primarily a troll in politics, but enjoyed it when it gave me or someone else the chance to be witty. Yeah, there were some jerks, but it was often fun to respond to them and pretty easy to ignore them. Plus, Yahoo overall did a really great job moderating the forums.
Boy, I'll miss this place. It was a place where you could talk to the lowest common denominator as well as be quite iwell-reasoned. Yahoo Answers isn't as snobby as Reddit or Quora. In Yahoo Answers, the Trumpian and the intellectual "elite" really mixed at times, not always well, but well enough.
This place was a lot fun.
There's nothing quite like it.
124 個解答Politics2 星期前How would you rank these Democratic and Republican social programs from best to worst?
(1) Social Security (FDR)
(2) Medicare (LBJ)
(3) Obamacare (Obama)
(4) Unemployment (FDR)
(5) Food stamps (LBJ)
Oh, darn, there are no Republican programs.
4 個解答Politics4 星期前Did gun deaths reach record levels during Trump's term because he was pro gun?
... A surge in daily gun violence contributed to an estimated 4,000 additional murders throughout 2020, in what experts warn will probably be the worst single-year increase in murders on record.
... Early estimates suggest the US may have seen at least 4,000 more murders last year than in 2019, and potentially as many as 5,000 more, according to projections based on FBI data, though complete official statistics will not be available until the fall. The Gun Violence Archive, which tracks shootings in real time using media reports, recorded nearly 4,000 more gun homicides in 2020 compared with 2019, according to founder Mark Bryant.
Politics1 月前Why is Biden being so mean to Putin?
He called Putin a killer and said their will be sanctions for the election interference.
Trump was Putin's puppy dog, so sweet and gentle, compared to Biden.
6 個解答Politics1 月前Do you agree that Republicans messed up Texas?
The state is completely run by Republicans.
Sen. Ted Cruz and AG Ken Paxton both fled the state while the state was in crisis.People are being saddled with electric bills in the thousands of dollars because of their deregulated energy market, and the system failed so badly that at least 80 people have died and half the people in the state are without clean water.Texas did not want the federal government involved in their energy, so they created their own grid that is not subject to many federal regulations, but are refusing to take personal responsibility.They are blaming alternative energy, which they don't do much of down there and counts for less than 7% of their power. They are also blaming AOC's Green New Deal, which hasn't even been voted on by Congress, so does not exist!Meanwhile, the Texas Republicans are busy focusing on legislation that would require all publicly funded evens to play the national anthem, as if that's what they think is important right now!And now this, from the conservative Wall Street Journal: Those deregulated Texas residential consumers paid $28 billion more for their power since 2004 than they would have paid at the rates charged to the customers of the state’s traditional utilities, according to the Journal’s analysis of data from the federal Energy Information Administration.
7 個解答Politics2 月前Why has the Republican Party of Pennsylvania lost almost 20,000 members since the insurrection?
Remember when the stupid old Trumpian farts fell for the lie that Democrats were walking away from their party? Well, now the walking away is taking place in the Republican Party in droves all across the nation. (PA lost 19,000, OR lost 6,000, AX lost 9,000, and almost every state is seeing a decline). Not only that, if Trump starts his own Party, the Republican Party will be doomed, since almost half of Republicans would join Trump.
It seems like the conservative movement is now a train wreck. Thank you, Fat Donnie!
9 個解答Politics2 月前Is there a way to download all my Yahoo Answers? ?
I'd like to do a little statistical analysis, and was wondering if there is a straightforward way for me to download all my Yahoo answers or is there some I can request that from at Yahoo itself?
Thank you.
4 個解答Yahoo Answers2 月前Do you think Texas will finally throw out the Republicans?
The Texas energy situation is a mess.
Because the arrogant, unAmerican mentality of the Texas Republican Party, Texas opted not to be part of the national grid because (1) they didn't want other states taking their energy during a blackout and (2) they did not want the federal government telling them what to do. So, Texas set up its own grid, ERCOT, and does not have access to energy from other states. As a result, Texas doesn't have enough energy to keep people warm and some people are sleeping in their cars, leaving the state, burning possessions to create heat, or even getting sick and dying.
I hope the Texans finally wake up and realize that their current leaders suck!
8 個解答Politics2 月前Do you agree that a lot of those Trump people really are sort of stupid?
Some of them complain that we liberals look down on them (we do, but not all of them).
But, why shouldn't we look down on people who carve "Trump" into a manatee; are so out of shape, 3 of them died on heart attacks or stroke at the rally; smoke cigarettes and wipe feces on the wall in our sacred capitals; chant 'Kill Mike Pence'; kick and kill police officers, and take and forward hundreds of self-incriminating videos.
They're just like Trump, but even stupider.
11 個解答Politics3 月前