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Beer and coffee expert
Why do they char whiskey barrels?
I know that it can improve the taste of whiskey but are there any other reasons for doing this?
8 個解答Beer, Wine & Spirits7 年前please help please help?
I don't have a question, I just felt like saying yahoo answers' most popular phrase.
you can still earn 10 points with the best answer. thanks and have nice weekend.
4 個解答Adolescent8 年前How much are you willing to spend on a bottle of liquor?
Are you willing to spend a little extra if you think it's "good" liquor or is the quality not very important to you?
5 個解答Investing8 年前What does hard cider taste like?
I've tried all kinds of different liquors and beers but I've never tried a hard cider because I think they're going to be too sweet for me. Am I missing out?
2 個解答Beer, Wine & Spirits8 年前can a mechanic tell if an engine is good or bad by just looking at it?
I'm replacing the engine in my car and the mechanic I'm using is not sure if the new engine is good or not. Can a good mechanic actually tell the difference between a functional engine and a bad one by doing a thorough examination of the engine?
3 個解答Maintenance & Repairs9 年前Does it REALLY matter what you mix liquor with?
I mean, the goal is too lighten the harsh/bitter taste of such alcohols like Whiskey and Rum, right? So, my question is, does it really matter what you mix it with as long as it's some kind of fruit drink or cola.
7 個解答Beer, Wine & Spirits9 年前Does the label on a Wine bottle influence your purchase?
I've noticed that I have a tendency to buy wine that has the best looking label. :D
Am I the only one that does this? Some labels have really good designs on them.
4 個解答Beer, Wine & Spirits9 年前Do you actually like dating?
For some reason I just don't enjoy dating. I find it to be kind of corny/cheesy. If its a girl I know rather well, dating her is fine but when it's someone I don't know that well it just doesn't seem like that much fun.
Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?
4 個解答Singles & Dating9 年前Girls, does it bother you if a guy talks during sex?
I was just wondering if it bothers a girl if a guy talks sexy during sex EVERYTIME you do it. I'm sure some girls don't mind it but I need to know about doing it often.
5 個解答Singles & Dating9 年前Do black people think Dave Chappelle's comedy is offensive?
I think he's GREAT but I just wanted to know what my black friends in C&G think.
12 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前Why do Australians eat Kangaroo meat?
I mean, aren't Kangaroo like a national symbol of your country?
Also, what does Kangaroo meat taste like?
11 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前Do they also eat Cats in China or just Rats and Dogs?
Just wondering...
6 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前भारत एक अरब से अधिक लोगों को है क्या है?
मैं भारत में अपने मित्रों से यह जानना चाहूंगा.
I speak several languages in case you're wondering. I'm very cultural.
5 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前how do African women do it?
This is a pretty interesting feat. How are African women able to do this? Refer to pic -
10 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前C&G: what is your favorite race?
and you can't pick your own race.
I would have to go with Asian people as in Japanese or Chinese.
16 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前C&G - have you seen the movie Gorillas In The Mist?
I heard that it makes Africans look really bad. link...
6 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前Wars fought among Native American tribes?
I'd like to know if there are any good books (non-fiction) about Native American tribal warfare and what land of today's American geographical locations did they fight over the most.
5 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前Do you think it's necessary to remember your ancestors?
Sometimes I feel like it's a waste of time to remember ancestors and show homage to them. Sure, I appreciate all of the things they had to endure but still, it seems kind of silly to hang onto the past like that. What if my ancestors were like Yosemite Sam? Should I pay homage to them? Or if you're Japanese, should you pay homage to a warrior class like Samurai? What if your black, should you pay homage to tribesmen that lived in jungles and weren't very educated?
4 個解答Other - Cultures & Groups9 年前