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Which is the better trimmer Husqvarna or Echo?
Both seem to have similar customer ratings. Which do you guys think is the better trimmer?
1 個解答Other - Home & Garden1 十年前Why are religions tax free?
Why not tax Church owned real estate and bussiness endeavors. From where I sit it looks like 20% of the country is tax free.
8 個解答Religion & Spirituality1 十年前Where do these folks get the Idea they can repair their cars with no knowledge, parts, tools, or manuals?
Maybe we should require a basic automotive systems class in high school. Perhaps that would help with trusting their mechanics and certainly would make them more competent shoppers.
9 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前What is this fish?
In a bag of comets I bought to start a pond, I found this strange little black fish. It is now about 5 inches long and even more strange. It's tail bends upward about 45 degrees right behind the dorsal fin. The anal fin is elongated and larger than normal. I can't find references to anything like it. Anyone know what it is?
3 個解答Fish1 十年前What causes flash back on a propane bottle mounted heater?
The flame seems to jump from the screen down the tube to the orafice. I have disassembled and cleaned the unit to no avail.
1 個解答Maintenance & Repairs1 十年前