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Do you find it hypocritical that Kerry flew in a private jet to Iceland to accept a climate award ?
He continued justifying his big-carbon-footprint choice of travel, saying he didn’t have time to sail the seas while clearly omitting the fact he had the option of flying commercial airlines that transport hundreds of passengers at a time.
4 個解答Politics3 月前Isn't it great that the first thing Biden did was put 1100 people out of work?
The second thing he did was allow men to play on womens' teams.
9 個解答History3 月前How do you think Rachel Levine of Pennsylvania likes being chosen not because she's a good doctor but because she's transgendered?
Biden's been choosing not by the content of his candidates' character but by their genders, colors, and whatever this is called.
Why has Harris been vaccinated ahead of the rest of us when she said she wouldn't take "Trump's vaccine" ?
Does she have underlying conditions? Or was that just more vitriol toward Trump?
15 個解答Politics4 月前Does Yahoo News think the President should have had people drag his desk from the Oval Office into that room? ?
Or are they just being petty and silly in criticizing the size of the desk? Really?
9 個解答Politics5 月前Do Democrats really believe that Biden won or do you realize how big the fraud was and you just don't care?
I get the second one, but not admitting that the fraud was huge doesn't make sense to me.
11 個解答Politics5 月前Does Yahoo actually think the election is over?
Trump's dilemma is how to counteract the massive voter fraud that liberals committed and that liberal media organizations, like yours, have supported. There is no winner yet and Trump won't give up.
3 個解答Politics6 月前Were everyone at Walter Reed Hospital faking Trump's COVID infection too?
Whoopi and Joy Behar think Trump was faking. SMH
6 個解答Soap Operas6 月前Who knew that Trump was debating Savannah Guthrie?
Who is this woman? She's one of the 10 people who's ever heard of Qanon.
2 個解答Drama6 月前If liberal Democrats that higher taxes are the best way to go, why do they have to be told to pay more?
Why don't they simply add the proposed higher taxes to their taxes every year? Why wait?
7 個解答Politics6 月前Anyone notice that there was a private plane behind Joe Biden when he still didn't answer the court packing question?
I thought Biden and Harris cared about the environment?
6 個解答Politics7 月前